Meeting all your Ranger Demands, you sick dips
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Andyc's Pointers
The Ranger Code of Conduct

The New Nevada Desert Rangers are part of a survivalist 'colony' in the wasteland descended from the United States Engineer Corps, and other survivalist groups who joined them after the bombs dropped. It is a para-military organisation with links to the pre-war military and still follows certain traditions, for example, saluting, and ranks. Some people seem to think that the Desert Rangers are either A) The US Army (especially not the US Army Rangers) B) Some kind of 'Wasteland Police Force' or C) Both. These people are idiots, and should be re-educated.

What follows, are the rules and code of conduct that apply to all Rangers, for In Character purposes. Breaking the rules will be subject, to, perhaps, something similar to pre-war court martials. Court martials, and punishments for breaking these rules are at the Commanding Officer's discretion. These rules may be changed, at the CO's discretion, and without notice, so keep your eyes open.

Prime Objectives.
The prime objectives of the New Nevada Desert Rangers, are thus:
1. To ensure the survival of the inhabitants of the Ranger Center. (Both Rangers and non-Rangers)
2. To protect the Ranger Center, and it's inhabitants. (This means you _will_ have to fight on behalf of those who live inside the center. If you don't like that, pick up a non-combat specialisation, so you can avoid combat.)
3. When possible (which isn't that often), assist those who are also trying to survive in the wastes of New Nevada. This does NOT mean being a 'police force', but it doesn't mean we'll stand by and do nothing while a bunch of scumbags gang-rape a defenseless woman.

Conduct to other Rangers.
1. Show your fellow Rangers courtesy and respect within the ranks. You should always salute superior officers.
2. When a senior Ranger or a commanding officer gives you an order, you are expected to carry out that order to the best of your capacity without any argument or question.
3. Sexual harassment, discrimination or any other form of bullying within the ranks is not allowed, and will be strictly dealt with.
4. Any abuse of authority will be dealt with severely. If an abuse of power or authority has happened, the best that you can do is follow the order for the time being and then lodge a complaint with more senior officer as soon as possible. If the order would put innocent lives in jeopardy, or similar, then you are within your rights to refuse to follow the order. (However, abuse of this 'clause' will result in much harsher penalties than for simply not following orders)

Conduct to Non-Rangers.
1. Remember that the non-Rangers Civilians in the Ranger Center have as much right to be there as you do.
2. Show outsiders the respect that they deserve.
3. Where possible, give assistance to those in geniune need of help.
4. There is no room in the wasteland for dictatorship or bullying of any kind. Activities that involve the forcing of opinion onto others, extortion, protection rackets, or anything similar, are strictly forbidden and will be dealt with severely.

Combat Situations.
A harsh wasteland sometimes requires a harsh reply. Not everyone in the wasteland may be receptive towards us. Often it is found that Rangers are fired upon, so it is with the same force that we are often forced to retaliate with, and in rare cases, take an aggresive stance with.
1. Unless in extreme conditions, Rangers are not to initiate combat with any party at all. It is reminded that nearly all conflicts have a diplomatic solution.
2. Rangers are, however, required to defend themselves to whatever capacity they can muster if fired upon. This includes the usage of tactical thought - If a pre-emptive strike will give you an advantage when combat is inevitable, then use one.
3. During combat, the assigned commanding officer will be in charge - Follow their orders quickly and to the letter - It may mean the difference between life and death. If there is no assigned commander, the highest ranked Ranger present is automatically in charge. There is a reason people are promoted, so it is almost certain that a higher ranking Ranger will be a more able commander than you.
4. Allies of the Rangers are not to be fired on, except in self-defence. In the wastes you need as many friends as you can get, and firing on allies is a surefire way of turning friends into enemies. It also causes a fucking hell of a lot of trouble for the CO and senior officers.
5. Never ever shoot a fellow Ranger, unless in self defence. Even then, it is required that extreme force should not be exercised, and if any other means of stopping them are available, they must be used before opening fire. Killing a fellow Ranger for any other reason that self-defence, will almost certainly condem you to a firing squad.

As a final note, remember that all these situations would normally apply in Roleplaying/In Character situations. So we'll not have any people saluting over the global channels or telling people what to do OOCly.