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Andyc's Pointers
The In-Character Ranger Rank System

The In-Character Ranger Rank System is a In-Character Ranking System that was devised by the former Ranger Leader, Andyc.  
Basically, the arguments is that rank obtained by your character as a result of gaining experience by killing Mobs, also known as HnS, although it follows the wasteland rank system, leaves little in the way for Role-Play. When a group of rangers are grouped together in Role-Play, usually what (may) happen is that the highest ranking HnS rank leads the group. Now this may seem unfair because some people may HnS less than others but are terrific RolePlayers or leaders. It makes no sense at all either to be ranked based on killing things.  
Instead, why not promote them through merit? Through RolePlay, the assignment of a rank which is deserved, that is earned not through HnS, but through Roleplay. This means that Skilled RPers can raise up the ranks other than being swiftly outranked by those who just HnS a lot. This system is based off the current US Army ranks.  
What happens to the HnS rank now? It's just a method of telling you how far you have gone in HnS, I guess. What happens is that your HnS rank is disregarded in RolePlay, and your IC rank, which is usually private, is used. Now, it's very tiring for me to register every single Ranger player out there in my database to see who's got what rank and what's got who. Or something. To qualify for my consideration to be promoted, approach or mudmail me, and leave me the details of your character, for example, your character's full name, nick. That's all that's needed for now. Then, from time to time, send me your best RolePlaying sessions that have been logged to this email address: rangerranksys@hotmail.com. I or a couple of officers will read through the log and consider promoting you. If you're promoted, I will mudmail you the news.  
What you can do to tell others that your rank is Corporal, or something like that? One way is to tell them as you group together. Another way is through the Custom Titles RP reward. You will need to spend 2 RP points to change your title according to your IC rank. If you get promoted, that title will be changed, Free-Of-Charge, at your nearest friendly Wizard/Creator.  
As you can expect, most characters will be playing as enlisted men. Most NPCs (Non-Player Characters) would be Warrant Officers, under this system. Examples are Zak, Quartermasters, Doc Kreuger, and such. This means that they wouldn't be a equal/higher rank than officers, but they wouldn't be a lower/equal rank to NCOs. Some players will be Officers, and a few of them, will be high-rank officers which also can handle player promotions, with a small consultation to me, of course.  
If your character displays officer quality, you can immediately skip to officer instead of going through the entire Enlisted System.  
Ranks Available  
1. Private (PVT)
2. Private (PV2)
3. Private First Class (PFC)
4. Specialist (SPC)
5. Corporal (CPL)
6. Sergeant (SGT)
7. Staff Sergeant (SSG)
8. Sergeant First Class (SFC)
9. Master Sergeant (MSG)
10. First Sergeant (1SG)
11. Sergeant Major (SGM)
12. Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
13. Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA)  
Warrant Officers.
1. Warrant Officer (WO1)
2. Chief Warrant Officer (CW2)
3. Chief Warrant Officer (CW3)
4. Chief Warrant Officer (CW4)
5. Master Warrant Officer (MW5)  
1. Second Lieutenant (2LT)
2. First Lieutenant (1LT)
3. Captain (CPT)
4. Major (MAJ)
5. Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)
6. Colonel (COL)
7. Brigadier General (BG)
8. Major General (MG)
9. Lieutenant General (LTC)
10. General (GEN)
11. General of the Army (GOA)  
(For those of you who don't know the US Army ranks, or don't know all of them, Ranger Central has a list of all of them, and displays their insignia, as well)  
Ranger Rank System (c) Andyc
Modified slightly by ArticFox.  
- Fox
Articfox/Col. Edward Lee Chung Hang