Meeting all your Ranger Demands, you sick dips
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Roleplaying Logs

Roleplaying is an integral part of Desolation, and it is imperiative that you roleplay in order that you would earn a name in the desolate wastelands. Your character is just an extension of yourself, a facade that you play in order to properly progress in the game. Here we keep some of the logs that have been sent to us, regarding Rangers or involving the rangers. Some are good, some are bad, some are excellent and some are downright fucked up, but it's all in good fun. Just learn from them take examples, and not make the mistakes that were made.

Required Reading
   +   The Death of Dagg
         General Dagg's Death.

Learning Tools
   +   Plautus v The Spetsnaz
         A log all of you should learn from. Like, how not to be an ass.

   +   Straightening out a few things
         A good learning guide where Apochalypse gets a little straightened out on a few things.

Newbie RP
   +   Death and Glory
         A group of Rangers help thwart a raider assault on the outpost.

   +   Medic-In Training
         After Apochalypse gets punished, she helps Rylen treat a little girl.

Other RP - In Chronological Order
   +   The Runaway.
         Bryan meets up with a stranger in an abandoned house in the middle of a storm...

   +   The Officer
         Rylen and Papazito sit down for some idle chat.

   +   Idle Chat
         Rylen and Bryan have a talk in the infirmary.

   +   Recruitment
         Rylen welcomes an injured woman to the New Nevada Desert Rangers.

   +   Questions from a stranger
         Barely into the job and Suraya meets up with General Viktor, who drops by a visit on the ever-friendly Ranger Center.

   +   Soliciting Supplies
         2nd Lieutenant Hideyoshi meets General Viktor, practicing hand to hand moves in the Ranger Center's Yard.

   +   Calling the shots
         Getting shot isn't fun, mind you. The Doctors usually have a field day over you.

   +   A Few Laughs
         Bryan meets up with Kurtz to have a light-hearted talk.

   +   Paying The Fare
         Rylen eases someone's pain, helping him across the river Styx.

   +   Evil Dead
         Trujillo the Corpsemaker watches eeriely over an operation that Rylen and Solidus perform.

   +   Pistol Play
         Rylen accidentally breaks his pistol and Solidus helps repair it.

   +   Carjackers and Dangerous Deals
         Solidus stops a carjacker after Rylen's bike, and Rylen makes a deal with (the) Devil.