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Ranger Center - Prison Yard [north]
Palled earth and strands of various weeds cover the section of the outside Center, as, off in the distance, desert sand flies heavily in the wind, occasionally gusting across your form, and into the now-open, and slowly crumbling, prison. Surrounding you, apparently on all sides except for the heavy inlaid prison door to your north, is a large, well-established, curving chainlink fence, its top covered with rusting barbed wire. In its day, it apparently was well-suited for stopping all but the most steadfast of prisoners from escaping through the yard. Aside from that, large monumental structures, made out of what appear to be brick, stand well above the now-crumbling field, a testament to the past, and to the guards who were stationed there to keep watch.
The shade of clouds provide some comfort from the heat, as they zip quickly overhead.


From the large doors leading in the center, the 'Desert Storm' BDU-wearing figure of Hideyoshi strolls idly. With his carbine slung over his shoulder, the Lieutenant walks out into the yard, looking up at the sky, before sweeping his mirrorshade covered eyes around the compound, to check for the presence of anyone of note. He continues on into the yard as he does so, arms hanging loosely by his side.

Standing near the middle of the yard, is a lonesome figure. Fairly tall, and a wiry body, clearly seen because of a lack of shirt, his skin is tanned, and scarred, while lined with a fair amount of black hair trailing along the tight abdomen, and chest. A fairly weathered and aged visage stands above that, sharp angular, and grim features, with a set of pale, grey eyes, and short black hair hair on his scalp, together with the beginnings of a beard. He stands there, his body in a rather odd position. A fighting stance. Muscles flexing clearly below the skin, he lets out a deep breath, and suddenly comes into action, letting out a collection of jabs, punches and elbows, while blocking imaginary oponents. He doesn't seem to notice the ranger.

The Ranger slowly walks towards the middle-aged man in the center of the compound, watching him from behind the mirrorshades over his eyes. He stops several feet away, in a relaxed standing position, watching the man practise. His hands still hang loosely by his sides, as the Ranger looks the man over, to see if he can recognise him.

The aged russian keeps on with his practice, letting out a series of attacks ranging from punches to fast kicks. Having noted the presence for the ranger already, he suddenly whips around, and lets out a high kick, wich passes right infront of the man, and then is pulled back. Now facing the individual, he falls into a relaxed position again, and idly stares at the man.

The Ranger grins slightly after the high kick whips in front of his face. Hideyoshi is clearly impressed by the older man's abilities. Standing up slightly more straight, the man's mouth opens to ask, "So.. Who are you? And where did you learn to fight like that?"

A slight smile tugs on the corner of his mouth, as grey eyes look the man before him over. Responding, his voice is gruff, maybe the product of a old damage to the vocal cords, a life time in the wastelands, or just the natural tone, and laced with a rather thick accent of somekind, "General Viktya.." He doesn't answer the 2nd question.

The Ranger offers a respectful salute, but remains silent for a moment, considering something. Speaking up, Hideyoshi asks, "Of the Spetsnaz?" thinking of the other group likely to use ranks in New Nevada. He lets the second question fade away, persuing the the topic of the first.

Viktor offers a slight nod in return to the salute and the question, "Da.. of the Spetsnaz" Looking the man over again, he idly states, "And you, are of course, a ranger." Crossing his long, muscled arms infront of his chest, he looks the ranger in the lenses of his shades, and just stands there, silent.

The Lieutenant nods, "Yes.. Second Lieutenant Hideyoshi.". He looks the Spetsnaz over again, before asking, "What brings you to the Ranger Center, General?" His manner is somewhat relaxed, but still respectful, and his arms still hang loosely by his sides.

Viktor shrugs, his fairly broad shoulders rolling, "Just taking a rest from wandering the wastes, gathering info, stocking up on supplies, the usual."

Hideyoshi nods, "Is there anything I could assist with?" The Ranger takes a quick glance around the yard, before looking back at the Spetsnaz General.

Viktor narrows his eyes slightly at the ranger, as always rather weary of strangers, and he shrugs again, "You can get me some ammunition. I've had some problems with my requests for that."

The Lieutenant ponders for a moment, "Ammunition... What kind of ammunition are you after? I'm sure we can spare some." The Ranger grins, and shifts his position slightly, relaxing.

Viktor thinks for a moment, before saying off a list of what he needs, ".45ACP, 9mm Para, 12 gauge slug and buckshot, .308, and, if you have any Browning M2's around the base, some .50BMG."

Hideyoshi ponders for a moment, before nodding, "Nine-mil, and forty-five should be easy, plenty of that around here.. 12 guage shouldn't be too hard to get, not much call for shotguns around here, to be honest. .308 might be a little harder to get out of the Quartermaster... BMG'll be a hard one to get hold of, as well.. how much of each ammo type are you looking for?"

Viktor shrugs, "Whatever you can spare, but atleast enough to load a gun." A smile tugs on his face again, "It will be compensated, of course."

The Ranger grins slightly, and nods, "Sure.. I'll see what I can squeeze out of the Quartermaster when I pass by.. You staying in the barracks? I can get the ammo dropped off there, if you want."

Viktor nods, "Yes, and you have my thanks." His voice is still calm, almost lazy, and doesn't show actual gratitude, or much else for that matter.

"Anything else?" the Liuetenant queries. He still continues in his relaxed but respectful manner, acting with a competency many Rangers, past and present, have lacked.

Viktor shakes his head, "No, that will be all. I can get whatever else i need on my own power."

The Lieutenant nods, "In that case, General, I shall see what I can get the Quartermaster to send you." He offers another salute, before turning slightly, and strolling off towards the Center's doors.

Viktor watches the ranger walk away, his expression blank, and then slowly turns around himself, falling back into a fighting position. After a moment of getting ready, he proceeds to practice the assembled attacks again.