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Andyc's Pointers
Timeline and Current Events

Roleplaying Begins. General Dagg takes over the missing General Luthen.

Major Articfox accidentally kills Sorlag in a pit fight. Sorlag's last words are, "Fuck you, Fox".

A crisis arises when Mercenaries from the Association of Irridiated Mercenaries, led by Rynthas Di'Mirkon, Cliff, and Klyde, take over the Ranger Outpost. Crisis was later resolved by paying off the Mercenaries.

Colonel Articfox goes missing. Later found to have lost his memory by a hit to the head. Bitterman takes him and turns him into 'The Machine', and he spends a good deal of time with Devil in Ground Zero.

General Dagg is killed by a crashing helicopter in a large fight between Rangers and Badlanders.

General Dagg is cloned again. The clone soon gains reputation as a troublemaker, and Andy kills it, eventually. Later, the clone's body and Dagg's DNA repository is mysteriously stolen.

Andy declares himself Commander of the New Nevada Desert Rangers, with little resistance.

Colonel Articfox, with Devil's wishes, returns to the Ranger Center, and demands that General Andy step down. Political squabbling and infighting ensue, and Krogg, Colonel Articfox's personal bodyguard, is killed.

First mention of the United States Marine Corps by General Viktor Gorchev of the Spetsnaz to General Andy. General Andy ignores the warning, and General Viktor disappears.

The Unites States Marine Corps turn up at the Ranger Center's front door, demanding that the Rangers surrender unconditionally and face assimilation to the USMC. General Andy blatantly refuses.

An invasion force by the USMC comprising of several dozen men and two plasma tanks attack the Ranger Center. General Andy leads the resistance, and with some help from mysterious benefactors, as well as Trujillo and Dozer, and a armed contingent of Spetsnaz, led by Heidern, defeat the enemy, taking heavy losses.

All is calm for a short while. Devil goes missing. General Viktor returns, having spent time in a Marine Concentration camp, and escaping.

Appearance of Schmitty, who proves to be a menace to the general public by striking up foes with the Badlanders and Rangers alike. Trujillo quickly disposes of him.

Colonel Maynard had been in charge of tracking Devil down. When he was at the scene of a raider attack on the Ranger Outpost, Corporal Stryker killed Maynard, after Maynard had given Stryker a little disrespect. Spike, who had been observing Maynard from afar, flew into a rage. Maynard was the only one capable of tracking down Devil. Furious, the supermutant tracked down the fleeing Stryker and snapped him like a little twig.

A second invasion force saw Lucus getting into a tank and setting the nuclear self destruct sequence on the tank. Much of the area in front of the Ranger Center is incinerated to a crisp. The radioactive plains makes access into the Ranger Center all but impossible, unless there was plenty of Rad-x and Radaway to go around.

Colonel Articfox starts to begin evacuation procedures of the Ranger Center to the Ranger Outpost as the Ranger Center starts to become a health hazard.

In an unexpected gesture of help, Spike, from the Badlanders, brings over supplies and volunteers to help the evacuation. His true intentions are realised when he threatens to blow up the Ranger Center through his 'crates' of supplies. He also threatens to blow up several towns and communities if General Andy refused to give the Ranger Center up. Without a choice, General Andy moves out of the Ranger Center.

Spike creates the Badlander Junk-Bike division and brings Colonel Articfox into the Ranger Center, and declares Colonel Articfox to be the Commander of the Rangers. He leaves behind the crew of Badlanders in charge of the Center as a gift to Colonel Articfox. A truce between Badlander and Ranger is created.

Re-occupation of the Ranger Center begins after much of the Radiation has died down.

All is quiet for a while, and Devil returns, sporting remarkable changes to himself. General Andy finally voices his resignation over the Ranger Leadership. Reports of a USMC gathering to the far north, being the last, and the bulk of the USMC forces.

Appearance of Epitaph, who attempts to kill General Viktor of the Spetsnaz, bringing in a variety of foes.

Epitaph appears at the Center and attempts to make Colonel Articfox relinquish power to him. Colonel Articfox goes into mental breakdown, but later denies any allegations that he had passed power to Epitaph.

General Viktor decides to make alliances with the Rangers. He makes an impression by landing in a armed chopper in the Ranger Center. Colonel Articfox meets him and sets down several agreements, one of them being to get rid of Epitaph.

Krogg is cloned for mysterious reasons. The first reason being that there is much research to be done of him, him being a biproduct of the USMC. He quickly escapes under mysterious circumstances. A hunt to bring him back ends in failure, the subject is quickly written off as missing.

The Ground Zero bar and nightclub's bar area burns down as a result of a large fight between Trujillo and the bounty hunter known as Dray. Trujillo is reported to be dead.

Bull, in an act of revenge for Sorlag, challenges Colonel Articfox to a pit fight. Colonel Articfox, who hadn't been fighting in a long time, not only loses to Bull, but also is killed when Bull stabs him repeatedly. The rangers are leaderless once more. The truce between Rangers and Badlanders finally breaks down.

Trujillo returns once more, revealing himself to be not dead after all. Another attempt by Dray to kill him resulted in Ground zero taking a mortar hit to the roof. The attempt failed, and Dray escaped, with his new partner, Zoe. The Badlanders slowly start repairing their home.

Captain Sanguinius Angel of the Alpha Company resumes command of the Rangers for the time being.

The Spetsnaz Base goes up in flames as Dray destroys it while attempting to capture Viktor. Dray succeeds. Captain Bryan Drake leads a small team of rangers on a mercy mission to the remains, along with the enigmatic Epitaph.

General Viktor escapes from Dray's hands. The Spetsnaz start relocating to a new base.

A large fight started by Jack and Devil at the Ranger Outpost brought up some very strange sights. Large combat droids and a helicopter packing enough firepower to destroy a small army was reported to be seen, and Trujillo, Dray, Zoe, and Rynthas were reported to be involved. Devil is seriously wounded as Kurtz shoots him in the chest, and Kurtz himself loses his left arm on that day.

Spetsnaz's top sekret base is completed, reallocations finish.

Epitaph suddenly has the ability to teleport from place to place. Many are bewildered, and his own reign of terror begins with his new-found powers. Actually, it's more of a mild source of annoyance, but still.

More and more sightings of USMC troopers in the New Nevada area brings about concern that another invasion might be on its way.

In a one on one hand to hand combat between Epitaph and Viktor, Viktor not only defeats Epitaph, but blows Epitaph's brains out as well. Epitaph explodes in a blaze of fire. His corpse was never found.

Soon after this, Viktor begins to change the Spetsnaz into the 'Sindikat', changing from a paramilitary group to a criminal organization. As it grows, it begins to take over the running of several 'criminal' activities.

General Sanguinus Angel goes missing. Captain Bryan Drake is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and granted powers to govern the Desert Rangers.

Lt Col Bryan Drake tries to sort out the muddle and mess that the previous leaders had left behind.

Dr Rylen Grey forms the New Nevada Medical Association, dedicated to healing, and the training of healers.

Highpool is burnt down to the ground. The prime suspect in this case is Trujillo, but nobody can prove it, since nobody knows what actually happened...

Lt Col Bryan Drake gets some previously broken manufacturing units in the RC basement to start working again.

Due to a worsening mental state, Lt Col Bryan Drake hands over command of the Rangers to Captain Rylen Grey.

Krogg, the lizard-like mutant, appears at the Ranger Center, and requests the body of the original Krogg. Lieutenant Toyotomi accepts the request, and hands over the remains.

Vico, a AIM member, who incured Viktor's wrath with a dodgy deal, is the target of a failed assassination attempt in the Ranger Center. The would-be assassin, using a bow of some kind, accidentally kills a child in the process.

Viktor appears in the Ranger Center personallly, and kills Vico in a gunfight, settling the matter.

Colonel Rylen Grey resigns after a conspiracy to kill him surfaces. Andyc, who was already at the Ranger Center at the time, takes over as a steward, and runs an election for a new leader.

Reports of a strange robot in the Ranger Center suddenly stop after an incident involving Trujillo.

Gustavo, a candidate in the Ranger election, suddenly attacks Viktor, and ends up losing his one good arm to the Sindikat boss.

Gustavo mysteriously dies in the infirmary, after an operation to remove his gangrenous legs.

Varion, another candidate for the Ranger election, attempts to bribe the election faveourite, William Kurtz, offering to exchange an officer position for dropping out of the election. Steward-General Andyc finds out about this, and challenges Varion to a dual. Andyc promptly defeats Varion, rendering the candidate a cadet.

William Kurtz wins the election unanimously, his opponents not receiving a single vote between them, and becomes General of the Desert Rangers.

To be Continued...