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Andyc's Pointers
The Death of Dagg

Low Desert [east, south, west, north]
You are walking in low desert.
It is VERY hot, waves of heat distort the scenery some.
A black dauphin helicopter is zooming about here.
The air is quite cool.

The jet-black large dauphin helicopter contains:
Jarkeld, the Civilian
Rynthas, the Presidential Bodyguard
Armrha doesn't code RP items. (He's bad at it.)
Rangerdagg could never sleep his way to the top.
Andyc, the Civilian
Jonster, the Established Hired Gun
Soleil, the Civilian
Tunses, the Technical Sergeant
Dazedc, the Sergeant Major
Toad, the Colonel Argent
Treis, the Anti-Hero
Pitdragon, the Gang Poser
David, the Op-Ivy roadie
Volkovski, the Spetsnaz Lieutenant 1st Grade
Paco is aiming a high powered rifle at you, from 80 yards!
Allan, the Punk Wannabe

Treis screams wildly, and dives to the ground firing his akimbo eagles towards
the group of rangers.

Soleil dives to the ground, and instinctively hones in on Treis. He tries to
fires a few shots at the Badlander group and rolls over behind a sand dune.

Dagg grits his teeth, clenching his Peacemaker in both hands while laying on
the ground. Taking careful aim, he fires a round at the figure of Treis.

Volkovski pumps adrenaline in his body and snarls, he then runs towards tunses
at high speed.

Dazedc aims at pitdragon but instead wheels and tries to pistol whip the
nearest Badlander.

Jon squints down the scope of his sniper rifle and carefuly squeezes a bullet
off at the nearest badlander, David.

Tunses smashes Volkovski across the head with the butt of his shotgun.

Pitdragon fires in the general direction of the rangers.

Andyc ignores the chaos around him and fires a burst at Treis.

David hearing the sound of guns being fired dives to the floor, and grabs the
trigger of his shotgun, ready to retaliate, aiming back to where the bullet
seems to have come from...

Jarkeld fires a volley of shots into the rangers.

Armrha swerves the helicopter, revealing Rynthas and his m60 to the rangers.

Rynthas yells forward to Armrha, "Keep us moving, man...if it gets too hairy,
move us outta here and we'll fly back in." He leans forward, pressing off a
full-auto round into the ranks of the rangers.

The M60 machinegun isn't exactly light equipment, weighing in at 23 lbs, and
with an overal length of 43.2 inches, it's not a tiny thing either. If you can
get over the size and weight, it is an invaluable weapon, capable of laying
down enough firepower to stop anyone dead in their tracks. Capable of raining
hell at an affective range up to 1100 meters, this toy is definitely not to be
underestimated. This gun is the standard M60, with fold down stands in the
front to improve accuracy.
The safety is off, it is set to: full-auto
It has a 7.62mm clip loaded.

Andyc's burst of fire flies by Treis head, a single bullet scathing his already
scarred cheek. He jumps to his feet and runs forward firing several rounds
towards Soleil, before diving back to the ground behind yet another dune.

Tunses fires a powerful shotgun in the general direction of the rangers.

Soleil falls to his side as a bullet impacts into his right arm. He runs
towards the group of badlanders, screaming angrily. He fires his NATO
towards Treis, jumping behind his sand dune.

Dagg screams, "What in the--!" as bullets spray from the helicoptor above into
the sand. Standing up, he charges down the sand dune, snapp
the sand. Standing up, he charges down the sand dune, snapping off a shot
at Pitdragon as he does so.

Volkovski runs towards dazedc in a crazed frenzy and swings his claw at his

Dazedc seeing the copter's deadly capability opens fire on Rynthas then runs
like a bat outta hell to cover.
Jon is hit by one of the stray bullets from the heavy bursts of fire in the
left shouler. A chunk of flesh flies up and he moans loudly, firing off a
shot into the sky as he reels backwards.

Tunses ducks behind a an old car and fires a few shots over the hood at the

Andyc sees the bullets flying around him and rolls behind a sand dude.

Pitdragon gets hit and gets sent flying.

David examines his shotgun, before chucking it into his toolbox, and deciding
to opt for his saber instead. So much more stylish....

Jarkeld helps to steady the m-60.

Armrha drops altitude slightly, to give Rynthas better aim. He steadies the
copter in a nice, smooth glide...

Rynthas ignores the sloppy shots flying past the chopper and trains his M60 on
Dagg as he runs away. He lets loose another 30 rounds at him, casings showering
down from the chopper.

Treis screams, as several of Soleil's shots ricochet off of his suit. He throws
his guns down, and tries to kick away Soleil's weapon.

Soleil's gun is kicked aside by Treis. He grabs his knife and lunges to Treis
exposed throat, screaming, "You CAN'T be MY FATHEEEEEEERRR!"

Soleil watches as an empty clip falls to the ground, permeating the silence
of the carnage surrounding you.

Soleil drops a thrashed M1989A1 NATO Assault Rifle.

Dagg continues his path towards Soleil, bullets spraying around him as sand
smears his face. Suddenly, shards of pain scream through his legs, as the
dune around him turns crimson. Yelling and cursing, he falls to the ground,
firing a shot a Treis in his return to earth.

Volkovski jumps over the car dazedc is cowering behind and lands next to him,
he then kicks at him.

Dazedc getting to cover cost the hit by Volkovski ... Dazedc wipes blud from
his head and looks for a new target ( the helcopter was obviously not

Tunses takes a few bullet wounds in the leg from the m60 in the chopper. Tunses
reloads his shotgun slowly and then fires back at the helicopter with his
shotgun, shot sparking on the rotating blades.

Andyc eases to a firing position and fires a poorly-aimed burst at Volkovski.

Pitdragon sits up, fires a round, then collapses, apparently unconscious.

Jarkeld takes Rynthas's bullet in the chest and as he dies, says take some out
for me, friend.

Armrha hears shots ting into the metal around him, does evasive manuveurs to
help evade the shots. He yells back, "RYNTHAS! HOW ARE YOU DOING BACK

Rynthas swivels the gun around to aim at Tunses, and fires the last 30 rounds
in his belt at him. He rips the empty belt loose, throws it at Jarkeld, and
yells into his headset, "Fuck! Swing us around, I'm reloading!" He notices
Jark's bleeding form, "Jark's been hit!"

Treis does a swift sidestep, the knife scathing across his throat, but not
impaling it. He responds to Soleil's advances with a profoundly powerful
kick at his knife wielding hand. As he kicks, one of Dagg's bullets impacts
on his left arm.

Soleil watches small sparks fly from Treis power armor, Dagg's bullet
and impaling Sol's left hand. He cringes, dropping his knife, then throwing a
punch with his right to Treis' face.

Dagg continues crawling, as best he can, down the dune, until he notices
Pitdragon's figure, blown into his path from the previous bullet he took.
Mutttering, Dagg fires his last few rounds into the still body.

Volkovski gets hit by only one bullet from the burts in the side of his
shoulder but is unfazed by it, and he snaps his head towards andyc with an
insane gleam in his eye.

Dazedc yells, "You Bastard!" at Volkovski as he takes the kick and tosses a
robe at
him to divert attention while drawing a better one on one weapon.

Jon steadies himself and drops his sniper rifle, and clutches his Colt
Carbine. He stumbles away from where the machine guns bullets pepper the ground
and lets loose a short burst at the huge copter.

Shec enters.

Tunses takes heavy fire from the helicopter. A hail of bullets rake his body,
blood and meat are scattered about his bleeding frame.

Andyc realises Volkovski has noticed him and fires a second burst.

Pitdragon twitches with each shot.

Shec leaves north.

Armrha quickly lets up on the torgue, and the copter spins violently around. He
slams on the rotor pedal, and the helicopter begins to gain altitude
quickly. He aghs, viewing the enusing carnage below him.

Rynthas loads another belt into his M60, keying his mic again, "We're taking
hits from below....dunno what's been damaged. Swing us around behind the
rangers, set up a crossfire on 'em."

Treis takes Sol's blow to the face. He's surprised by his son's apparent
strength as his head rocks back from the blow, a small spray of bloody
spittle dropping from his mouth. He ducks down, launches his famed blazing
uppercut at Soleil.

Soleil takes the blow to the chin, and falls back the earth once again. He
stumbles back up to his feet, and throws several more punches to Treis
face, aware that any body shots would be useless against his t51b.

Dagg, using Pitdragon's body as some cover, switches weapons, putting the now
empty and smoking .45 Peacemaker in his suit. He then grabs the .38 on him,
checks to see if it happens to be loaded, nods and yells, "DO WE HAVE A MAN

Volkovski grabs his .50 and fires a shot at dazedc, he then gets hit in the
chest area by andyc his burst, he gets out of balance but quickly regains
himself, he then fires 3 shots at andyc while screaming like a madman.

Dazedc seeing Volkovski takeingg hits he aims but then the .50 cal sends him
flying as it impacts his kevlar suit.

Jon has a surprsingly calm look on his face. He starts to walk slowly towards
the group of badlanders and holds down the trigger of his Colt carbine,
muzle flashing unrelentingly and he strides forward.

Tunses, with his last bit of strength, places the shotgun on top of the car and
squeezes off a few shots slowly, at random, in Volkovski's direction.

Tunses then slumps against the car, never to move again.

Andy's crouched position causes the bullets to hit the ground right next to
him, putting him off his shot, he fires wildly into thin air.

Andyc fires a round from his H&K G11 assault rifle into the ground.

Pitdragon, realizing what is happening plays dead and hopes for the best.

The helicopter drops closer to the ground. Armrha flinches as a round hits the
windowshield in the copter, being stopped but leaving a crushed, segmented
section of window. He yelps. The helicopter speeds back behind the rangers,
revealing Rynthas.

Volkovski opens a black leather trench coat.

Rynthas tries to pick out a target, but fails. He rakes the ranger lines with
rounds, hoping to hit someone with one or two. He keys his mic again, "Keep
us movin'...any damage?'

Shec enters.

Treis takes each rocket-like blow from his son to the face. He stumbles back,
obviosly phased by the blow. The second he regains his composure, he grabs
Soleil by the neck, and lifts him one-handed into the air, choking him.

Volkovski takes a Soviet RPG-7 Rocket Launcher from his backpack.

Soleil gasps for air as Treis' iron-like grip grows tighter and tighter on his
neck. His body begins to convulse from lack of oxygen, and his face begins

to turn white. He is barely able to mumble out,

Volkovski wields a Soviet RPG-7 Rocket Launcher.

Dagg suddenly looks around the scene, bullets flying from the helicoptor spin
past his area, as Soleil slowly struggles for life. Yelling out curses, he
fires a .38 round at Treis.

Volkovski ignores the shots at him and looks up at the helicopter and screams
like a madman once more, he takes aim with his rpg and fires...

Shec looks at Dagg.

The rocket-proppeled grenade soars, and hits the helicopter's tail. It explodes
with a sickening noise, shrapnel spreading everywhere as the main hunk of the
tail drops from the sky.

Dazedc opens fire from his .44 mag on the chopper hoping to take down
the chopper with the copkillers.

Jon continues to stride towards the badlanders, until he takes a few m60
bullets in the left shoulder. He screams in pain as his arm is flies off in
a shower of rotting flesh and blood. He stays standing, and holds his colt
in his right hand, face grimacing with pain.

Dazedc fires a round from his Desert Eagle .44 into the ground.

Pitdragon is still playing dead.

Armrha screams in rage and pa! He hits the gas, but the chopper begins to
spin violently and zoom foward with the lack of counter-balance. It begins to
soar toward the Badlanders with tremendous spoeed, and dropping altitude.

Rynthas screams, "Rocket! ROCKET!" He is rocked as the chopper's tail explodes,
"Get us AWAY from here!!". He fires the M60 along the vapor trail, the rest of
the belt screaming at the area where Volkovski sits. He prays that some of the
rounds will strike home around the gyrations of the helo.

Treis turns around, still choking Sol. He watches as Dagg's bullet slams into
his choking fist, lodging into his bone with a sickening crunching sound.
He drops Soleil to the ground, and clutches his head, while throwing a
loose and misplaced kick towa.

Soleil shudders, and screams in agony as the arced kick slams into his gut.
He lays on the ground, and begins to vomit, spewing generous amounts of blood
from his now heavily injured visage.

Dagg suddenly feels some movement from Pitdragon's body, yelling, "Send my
regards to Devil," as blood flows heavily from his leg, he rasies the
now-reddened .38 and fires several more times at Pitdragon's form.

Volkovski slings the rpg over his shoulder just as he is hit by another burst,
this just makes hime more angry and insane, he pumps a huge amount of
adrenaline in his body and runs towards andyc at high speed.

Dazedc watches the chopper spinning around and smiles thinking one threat gone,
and then takes an 7.62mm round to the shades, falling to the ground and laying

Andyc throws down his G11 and draws his katana in one lithe movement.

Andyc draws his glimmering, razor-sharp katana, and moves into a combative

Jon steels himself, and drops his assault rifle. He grabs a medium sized metal
shovel from his coat with his remaining arm and walks towards Treis, with a
face of anger and hate, eyes almost glowing... red...

Treis looks at Andyc.

Pitdragon is hit in the back of the vest and legs, and he bites his tongue
to keep from screaming with agony.

Armrha grits his teeth, slamming on the altitude rotor pedal, pull on the
stick. The copter swerves back, and begins dropping, flying, and the 8 tons
of metal hit is about to hit the ground, inches away from Rangerdagg.

Rynthas screams as the '60 jams up near the end of the belt. He hastily begins
to unhook it from the cradle, finishing and throwing the strap over his
shoulder. The ground comes rushing up perilously fast, and he tries to hit the
floor before it hits him.

Treis screams wildly, in a entranced ethereal state of rage, "IT'S OVER!"

Soleil still vomiting blood. Just before he slips into unconsciousness he says,
"you...are....a..true warrior....father.."

Dagg suddenly looks up, seeing the mass of flying and twisting metal come
towards him. Opening his mouth to scream, he drops out from underneath of
Pitdragon's form, charging as fast as he can, from the site as he wounded
leg spreads blood across the sand.

Volkovski gets hit in the back by aproximately 10 rounds from the m60, which
barely pierces his armor and he gets thrown on the ground, oozing black blood.

Volkovski falls to the ground, with a dull thud.

Shec looks at Volkovski.

Jon stops in his tracks and glares at Soleil, and then at Treis. He screams and
runs at Treis, taking a huge backswing with his shovel, before taking a
massive swipe at his head.

Andyc takes advantage of Volkovski's predictament and prepares himself for a

Pitdragon is not moving, but you see only blood on his legs... The helicopter
flies over him and crashes in the distance.

Armrha lets go of the controls an inch from the ground, emotions dropping from
his face. He sees Dagg momentarily in the window, and would have sighed if he
had time. The metal heap hits the ground, smashing into the sand and
spinning, near-mangling all in it's course...

Rynthas goes skidding across the sand, rolling over and over as his speed
dissipates. He finally stops, hitting a small mound of loose sand, lost from
sight behind several dunes as the chopper slams into the ground. He lies still,
unconcious, and unseen.

Treis throws up his arm in defense as Jon swings his shovel. It slams into
Treis' forearm, sparks flying everywhere. He throws a kick at Jon's feet,
intent on tripping him.

Soleil moans loudly, not yet dead.

Shec looks at you.

Volkovski blood spurts from the holes in his back but he still manages to get
back up with some effort but not feeling very good all the same, he then
notices andyc coming towards him and he tries to get himself together to

Dazedc's body oozes blood from under the shattered red mirrored

Jon goes flying over Treis leg, tumbling through the sand. He turns straight
back round and readies his shovel again, climbing slowly to his feet. He
walks slowly towards Treis, eyes filled with anger.

Andyc charges at Volkovski and lets loose his opening swing, aiming at
Volkovski's torso.

The helicopter comes to a halt nearly 50 meters from the crash site. Armrha is
unconsious, beaten, and bleeding heavily within the hunk of metal. He hears a
faint dripping sound.
Or he would hear, that is, if he wasn't unconsious.

Blood seeps into the sand from several large abrasions, slowly turning it red.
Rynthas remains slumped against the pile of sand, several syringes fall from
his pack. Blood seeps into the sand from several large abrasions, slowly
turning it red.

Dagg flies back from being hit, blood spraying in all directions as his body
spins in the heated air. Shards of metal smash inside of his form, and he
finally comes to rest several meters away from the site, broken and

Rynthas's gun lies somewhere.

Treis growls to Jon, and slowly backs from him, towards Volk and Andyc. As he
walks back, he takes a defensive stance.

Soleil twitches.

Volkovski still on edge because of the huge amount of adrenaline jumps back
just in time before the sword can slice him, he then swings his claw and
fist at andyc with all the speed and strenght he can summon up.

Dazedc spasms in Rigermortis.

Jon stops suddenly, and drops his shovel. He whips out his dragunov with his
one hand, staeadies it at Treis and snaps off a shot.

Andy's short distance from Volkovski causes the claw to fly up in front of
Andy's face, causing him to jump back, taking his sword with him.

Pitdragon is lying still, but you notice his leg twitch a little...

Shec looks at Volkovski.

Rynthas groans, and slaps a few stims into hisself before passing out again,
forgotten in the shade of a dune.

Volkovski cluthes his chest and his eye turns away in its socket, he then
slowly falls to the ground, unconsious.

Volkovski falls to the ground, with a dull thud.

The helicopter continues to drip fuel, which turns to a slight trickle, then a
gush. Armrha awakens, in shock. He looks down to notice a large hunk of metal
passing through his lower half... and much of his lower half to be gone...
Blood and flesh are everywhere, yet somehow he is still consious... He hears
the fuel leak, and feels the fuel pouring all over his numb body. He reaches up,
hand extruding from the wreckage, head getting out, and pulls himself out. Just
then, the helicopter explodes.

Treis screams loudly, as Jon's close range shots pierces the power armor, and
goes deep into his right shoulder. He screams as he watches the explosion,
and dives to the ground immediately.

Shrapnel fills the air, several pieces impaling into your body.

Armrha's head, arm, and upper shoulder land by Rynthas, eye's boiled out and
skin burned beyond recognition.

Soleil lies on the ground, barely holding onto his life, and fighting to regain

Jon screams in pain as some shrapnel scathes some skin off of his back, he
falls to the floor breifly, beathing heavily.

Andyc watches as Volkovski slumps on the ground. He then hears the helicopter
explode, and a few pieces of shrapnel thud into his armor. He slowly turns,
making sure no-one is nearby.

Pitdragon lies still, and shrapnel flies over him...

Treis shudders and grimaces, grinding his teeth as the shrapnel flies by,
tinging loudly as it hits his armor, several small pieces scathe by his
face, tearing the already damaged flesh, and leaving several large
lasherations. He climbs to his feet once.

Jon looks up at Treis, with no emotion behind his black eyes. He appears to be
cowering, but it's hard to tell.

Andyc drops to one knee. He checks himself over, and realises he isn't so badly
injured. He picks the worst piece of shrapnel and wrenches it out of his
abdomen. He pulls a stim from his pack and gets ready to pump it into his

Treis looks down at Jon, and spits on him, "Coward." He slams his foot down
towards Jon's skull, in an attempt to curb-stomp him.

Jon pulls his head out of the way in a quick motion. He gets caught on the side
of the head with a glancing blow, and he looks slightly dazed, before
turning his rifle round and firing a shot widly at Treis from point black

Andyc realises his stim is much more powerful than what he wants. He quickly
pulls pieces of shrapnel out of his body and pumps his stimpak into him.

Andy closes a black pack.

Andyc injects the super stimpak syringe into his wounds, and slips into a drug
induced frenzy.

Treis screams as the point-blank shot blasts through his t51b, and through his
right foot. He tries to kick Jonster in the head with his damaged foot, and

Soleil finally gets to his feet. Limping over to where Treis and Jonster are
fighting, he stands, clutching his wounded arm, and panting, "TREIS! STOP

Soleil exclaims: Enough people have died!

Jon reels backwards, blood flying up out of his face as he flies backwards,
landing on his back in the sand. A pool of red starts to emerge from under
him and sink into the sand.

Treis looks at Dazedc.

Andyc scans the battlefield and sees only Treis, Jon and Soleil standing, he
readies his katana and slowly approaches, trying to give the stim time to do
it's work.

Jon moans loudly and raises his head and looks at Soleil and Treis.

Treis looks rather angrily to Soleil, "THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED ISN'T IT, BOY?!"

Soleil yells in response, "FINISH IT! KILL US ALL OLD MAN!"

The helicopter flares up a large column of flame. Black smoke rises high into
the sky.

Jon screams at Soleil, "What? You hired us just so you could tell him to kill
us all?"

Andyc stills approaches, only just in earshot.

Rynthas slowly regains conciousness, and grabs more of the meds scattered
around him. He downs several pills, and sticks a huge syringe into his leg.

Treis turns, his back on Soleil. His blood-soaked hair flutters in the wind. He
stands, unmoved, and silent amongst the carnage.

Shec looks at Pitdragon.

Soleil looks around, at each one of the corpses, then to his father, "LOOK WHAT

Rynthas slowly, slowly regains his senses, still pumping meds into himself. He
moans quietly, and half-rolls onto his side, suddenly face to face with
Armrha's mangled skull.

Jon rumages around in his backpack.

Jon wields a Benelli M1 Super 90.

Andyc continues to advance slowly, but has lowered his katana, and is listening
to the conversation.

Jon gazes at Treis and Soleil as he sits up and tries to point his shotgun at
Treis with his single arm, which is visibly shaking from exhaution.

Treis crosses his arms, "It wasn't I who caused this......it's you.....it's in
your blood, in your soul, in your being. Death. It's your calling and
reason for existing. You can't run from Death. He always catches up to you

Rynthas rolls back onto his back, staring up at the desert sky. He isn't sure
what time it is, or just what has happened, but he knows that he should get
out of here as soon as he can. For some odd reason he can't bring himself
to move, but can only mill through things in his head..

Treis growls, "Accept what you've done, a
Treis growls, "Accept what you've done, and feast on every last detail of this
battle. Let it be etched forever in your memory, every fucking grim


Andyc steps next to Jon. He mulls the conversation over in his head.

Rynthas continues staring into the dead, blistering desert sky for what seems a
small inifinity. Eventually the meds drag him through his shock-induced
haze, and he raises himself to his knees.

Jon looks up at Andy and says through a breathless and exhausted voice, "What
was this even about anyway?"

Jon lays his head back in the sand and exhales loudly.

The sun has now fully risen.

Soleil remains silent, shivering, slowly limping to his father.

Treis hmphs, "Let it all burn into your pathetic little soul, and rest easy,
son. I'll see you on the other side."

Andyc says, "Fuck knows, it's between those two." He frowns, "I think Soleil
was just trying to start a fight."

Andyc watches Treis and Soleil carefully.

Treis smiles and turns, throwing a well-executed roundhouse into Soleil's
bloody face.

Andyc nudges Jon in the ribs with his foot, "Dude. We gotta do _something_."

Shec looks at Jon.

The powerful kick shatter into Soleil's face, shattering his skull with a loud
sickening crunch. The side of his skull caves in and he falls to the ground,
twitching spastically.

Jon moans loudly as he sits up and looks at Andy, "What can we do?"

Soleil slumps to the floor in a bloody heap.

Andyc shrugs, "I... I don't know."

Soleil removes his tooth necklace.
Soleil removes his black leather jacket.
Soleil removes his pair of cargo pants.

Andyc watches Treis and the falled body of Soleil.

Rynthas picks up his gear which is scattered around him, and stows it. He grabs
Armrha's skull, wrapping it in a large rag and putting it in his pack as
well. He slowly begins to limp-drag himself eastward to the river..

The wind kicks up a pile of loose dust, and sprays it across the battlefield.
Treis crosses his arms, and his hair dangling in the wind as the sand is blown
across his face. He looks down at his son's battered body, and shakes his head
with pity.

Jon screams and tries to raise his shotgun with his hand, arm shaking all over
the place. He tries to fire off a shot a Treis, but he ends up squeezing
the shot of as his arm gives way. The buckshot smashes into the ground,
sending sand flying. He falls onto his back again.

Rynthas opens a military desert web belt with holster.

You look at Treis.
Treis, the Anti-Hero.
Self proclaimed God of Death, or the Black Plague, he is known as one of the
most elegant and feared fighters to ever walk the wastelands. His short,
massively scarred, medium build doesn't seem to quite fit his over-rated
reputation. A large scar runs across his cheek, and another from above his
left eye, extending to below it. Practically his whole body is covered in
tattoos. His long blu
tattoos. His long blue hair, finely combed, yet ridden with dust, hangs long
over his worn, sun-burnt face. Strapped to his back, over his old raggedy
jacket Badland Originals jacket, is a large guitar case. Perhaps the only
thing that surpases his strength is his love for music, and possibly, even his
somewhat good-looking face.

You look at him peeringly. He eyes you up for a second, flips the hair from
his eyes, and clenches his fists tightly. Just be sure not to move too

Treis picks his Desert Eagle up, from the ground, and walks over to his son's
corpse. He crouches down and pulls something out of Sol's jacket pocket,
resumes his standing position, and fires several shots into the crushed

Treis tosses the gun aside, and unwraps the small crumpled piece of paper, and
reads it's contents aloud.

Andyc continues to watch Treis.

Treis shakes his head as he reads the undelivered note, "Dear Chels, I found
father in Nevada, in a gang called the Badland Originals."

Pitdragon looks at Rynthas.

Treis stops reading the note aloud, until he reaches the conclusion, "with
love, your brother.....Soleil."

Treis frowns, and grabs leans over, grabbing his gun from the ground.

Treis pulls back the slide his IMI Desert Eagle .50AE with a satisfying
CHA-CHACK!, and prepares to wage war on the world.

Treis closes his eyes, and pulls the gun to his head, firing a single round
into his head. A shower of blood and grey matter flies into the air, and
the body of Treis, God of Death, falls to the ground.

Andyc blinks, completely taken by surprise.

Andyc slowly approaches the fallen bodies of Treis and Soleil.

Jon falls back into the sand and stares up into the sky.

Paco pops his head up from behind a sand-dune after hearing the shot,
"Ho..ho...holy....holy shit."

Andyc drops his stance and resheathes his glimmering, razor-sharp katana.

Shec looks up from his hiding place. "Maaaaan..."

Andyc whispers to Jon. (where is your shovel?)

Jon shows his shovel to Andyc.

Rynthas turns around as he hears the gunshot, and puts his binocs up to his
eyes. He looks through them, seeing Treis' body crumple to the ground, the
pistol falling from his hand. He grunts once, and retreives the skull of
Armrha. He stares at the skull for a moment, and quietly states, "The
question is answered, after all these years. Not to be."
Rynthas uncerimoniously hangs the charred skull from his belt, and continues on
his trek to the river.

Paco runs over to Treis' corpse and loots it, "Can't let any of this fall into
anyone else's possession."

Andyc ignores Paco's looting, a few feet away from him. He mutters, "Fucking

Jon sits up once again and stares blankly at Treis and Soliel's motionless
bodies. He slowly looks around him at all the corpses and says, "What the
hell... was this all for?"

Paco shakes his head, "A father who couldn't recognize his son, and a son who
couldn't get his father's love....."

Paco shrugs, "Anyone got a lighter? I need to get high."

Andyc ignores Paco's request and walks over to Jon.

Andyc asks: You ok, man?

Paco screams loudly over to Rynthas.

Jon looks at his left shoulder where there used to be an arm, and then at Andy,
"I've been better."

Jon says: I'm ok though, I just wanna get out of here.

Andyc smiles and offers his right arm to lift Jon up.

Jon reaches out and grabs andy's hand.

Andyc lifts Jon onto his feet and hooks Jon's arm over the back of his beck.

Jon shakes his head as he examines the scattered dead bodies, "Let's just go

Andyc nods, "Yeah, let's get the fuck out of here." He begins to walk away,
supporting Jon along the way.