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Andyc's Pointers
Questions from a stranger

Ranger Center - Entrance[south, north]
You step into a small, barren room which appears to be constructed out of reinforced metal and concrete, stretching off in two directions, to the north and the south. Above you is an abandoned security camera, which appears to have been broken for years, and overlooks the northern part of the room. When looking to the north, you see, past several steel doors, miles of barren and crumbling land, your view being cut off only by the limited size of the glass set into the doors. To the south though, through a large steel door which appears to be jammed open, you see a long, darkened hallway which pulls at your attention, and strangely, makes you want to traverse the halls.

Against the eastern wall of the foyer stands a young woman, her head bowed onto her chest, long brown hair obstructing view of her face. Her arms are crossed tightly around her abdomen below her breasts. Her right foot is planted firmly on the floor while her left offers balance, crossing her right leg at the knee and being held against the wall. Her duster is hung open and an end of the metal coils hangs loose, down to the floor.

A figure steps in. 6'3 of black, dusty metal, and red leather. The man, or woman, seems to be currently dressed in a full body suit of armor, with a red trenchcoat shrugged over it. Even the head is kept out of view by a strange, angular helmet, the only thing interupting the general design of it being a mohawk like row of short spikes, and a thin dark green visor. A soft breath sounds from behind it. He just stands there, hands held into the pockets of his coat, seemingly looking around

The woman looks up at the sound of the boots inspecting the man that has just arrived., one of her eyes peeking out from behind the cascade of hair, catching the light and flickering a rainbow of colors. Behind her natural veil a smile crosses her face. She rubs her back against the wall scratching an unseen itch and goes back to facing the floor, one eye trained on the figure.

The thin, green visor strangely flares up more brightly for a moment, before the armored head is turned slightly towards the figure of the woman. Standing silent for a few moments more, just the sound of his deep breath being heard, he suddenly draws his hands from the pockets of his coat, both gloved in black leather, and slowly reaches up. Disapearing behind his collar, and fiddling around for a bit, a sudden click and soft mechanical hiss is heard. Reaching up further, he grabs the side of the helmet, and slowly pulls it off, before holding it under his arm by his side. His face is now in view, the hardened visage of a true wastelander. Dark tanned skin, slightly tarnished by the enviroment and middle age, short, black hair, equal color shadow on the chin, sharp, angular features, giving him kinda a romanic look, or maybe slavic, and a set of pale, light grey eyes staring out from beneath bushy eyebrows, currently set on the woman.

Suraya jumps at the hissing sound, both feet coming to rest on the floor, the metal around her waist clattering loudly on the floor, her arms falling back into a crossed position though. She turns to face the man, her highheeled boots scuffing on the floor, her face is now fully revealed. Nothing spectacular about her features, low-set wide jawbones and sturdy neck muscles give her the appearance of a farm girl though. A light blue bandana hangs over her thin cotton tee shirt, accentuating her chest slightly by having it's point hang strategicly. "You scared me there for a moment", she speaks quickly, her voice soft and timid. She reaches up and undoes the knot on the bandana, pulling at the tie before sliding it around behind her head and affixiating it as a catch for her flowing locks. "What brings you stranger?"

The set of cold, pale eyes keep idly set on her, shiftly slightly to look her over. His expression stays stern as he responds, "Not my intent." His voice is gruff, and laced with a thick accent of somekind, russian, "I am here to gather information." His eyes break away, and travel around the room for a moment, before setting her eyes back on her, "Maybe you can provide."

The sound of foot-steps echos through the Ranger Center once again as a woman walks into the Ranger Center, mumbling incoherantly with a look of scorn on her face. Blood-stained bandages cover her left shoulder and lower torso, a freshly stitched wound on her left hand looks rather badly done and infected, The remenants of her trench conceals any other noticable dressings or wounds. Taking note of the 2 other individuals she slumps herself in the foyer, eventually sitting on the east wall, wiping the sweat that covers her face with a piece of cloth, she lets out a long sigh of relief staring blankly at the wall opposite her

Suraya looks at the other woman, a hint of contempt in her evershifting eyes. She turns back towards the man, cocking her head slightly "Well, I don't know.." she looks down at the floor and mumbles softly "..I'm kinda new myself" before looking back up at the man and smiling sweetly. "Maybe I can though.. what do you need to know?"

Viktor lets his gaze fall briefly on the wounded woman, and his expression still stays the same, not showing any concern, contempt or whatever might be expected, "Politics.. Who is currently in charge, for one." He looks back at the ranger, not returning her smile.

Lianna takes a canteen of water from her trench and takes a large gulp before removing her slashed beret and emptying the rest of the water onto her head, she takes deep breath and lets out exhales rather loudly. She then suddently starts to cough out some blood, the look of pain and agony riddles her face as she clutches her chest and collapses onto the floor.

Suraya takes a step backwards, the man's gaze and pointed questioning driving into her. She recovers quickly though and processes the question "Umm oh blah.." she sticks her tongue out, hanging her mouth open comicly "Don't you think we should take care of her first? I know the answer but it seems to have slipped my.." she stutters for a moment "..m-mmind"

Viktor glances at the wounded one again, and just shrugs lightly, broad shoulders rolling, "None of my concern.. But call a medic if you so wish, i will wait." A light smile only briefly crosses his face, before fading away again. His stance shifts slightly, making himself a bit more comfortable.

Lianna gasps for air as the spasms start to recide, soon her breaths are deep sounding, downing whats left of her water and drops the canteen, the hollow steel canteen clanks and rattle as it hits the ground, closing her eyes she tries to slow her heart-rate down, taking deeper and slower breaths as she seats herself to an upright position once more.

Suraya gasps as the woman falls over, not even waiting for the man to speak she dashes off down the hall, running blindly through the compound in search of assisstance. After being gone a few moments she returns with two men dressed in lab coats and carrying a stretcher. They glance around the room as they enter, gazing fixiating on the armored man, one of them gasps silently, the other merely looks inquisitevly. Both men quickly dismiss the armored man and go about talking quietly to format a plan. Suraya turns back to the man, her face blanch white, her chest rising and falling with deep breaths "I'm very sorry.. I've never seen someone die before but I have a doctor friend who can fix her up real good..", taking a deep breath and pushing hair out of her face, she begins to fiddle with the bandana again "... Sanguinis"

The two field medics check the ailing womans pulse, blood preasure, and wounds under the bandages, you can barely make out what they are saying but pick up some words like, "Sledge hammer ...... torso........ knife.... stabb.... slash..." The medics place her onto a streatcher and start to ferry her towards the infirmary.

Viktor simply states, "You get used to it." In response, and proceeds to watch the medics work, in silence, with a blank expression, still not showing any signs of concern or anything. looking back at the ranger briefly, he says, "What about him."

Suraya nibbles on her thumb as she watches the medics, whenever they leave vision she turns back to the man, a small drop of sweat sliding along her temple and tracing it's way down her face to fall from her chin and explode on the floor far below. "He is uhh umm our leader", her breathing begins to slow down but she is still obviously shaken.

Viktor nods a bit, "That's what i wanted to know." He smirks slightly as he continues to watch her, and states, in a slightly commanding tone, "You will have to get used to watch comrades injured or dead, if you want to be part of a group that sometimes have to use force, or defend from it." His smirk fades again, "Now, where might i find him."

Suraya straightens up, taking a deep breath and glareing at the man, her eyes meeting with his. "I doubt I will ever get used to it" she says softly, her voice quickly freezing though "On the other hand, I do not know where you can find him." She shakes her head defiantly, the long tail of har, accentuating the movement as it flutters over her shoulder, the chain on the ground rattles slightly as she shifts her weight "I am new here, as I mentioned before.. thats one bit of information that I can not give you"

Viktor doesn't seem to be bothered or taken back any by her glare, and just simply states, "Trust me, you will get used to it." Glancing around for a bit, he says, "Now, it would be helpful if you provided me a place of rest, it is late, and i am tired." He smirks slightly, "If there is any problem with it, just tell your superiors that General Viktor Gorchev would like to rest here."

Suraya sighs, fumbling the name around in her mouth for a moment trying to decipher the information "I've never heard of you.. but since I know your name you might as well know mine." She steps forward and holds out her hand, it appears tiny next to man but she doesn't seem to mind "I'm Private Suraya Jessica Almada..." she states proudly "..since your a general I guess I better do what ya say huh? I've been bunking in the infirmary and letting them check my condition. Got caught in a sanstorm the other day". She smiles sweetly and looks down the hallways, noticing noone she lowers her voice a notch or two "Say.. what are you the general of? One of our units or another group?", she looks at the mans armor, trying to discern an organization.

Viktor glances at the hand, and brings one of his own up to idly shake it, showing off his iron grip. Looking town at the slightly shorter woman, he responds, "Commander of Spetsnaz, other group, but in alliance with Ranger." His expression stays stern, and rather cold, together with his voice. Some new features might be more notable from this distance though, like the strange dark blue barcode on his left cheekbone area, or the long, pale scar crossing his face, among others.

Suraya looks at her hand, flexing her fingers slightly and drawing in her breath as they respond "Oww..your pretty strong aren.." she cuts off midsentence as the statement strikes home "Commander of the Spetsnaz thats rather impressive" she downplays the title, but her eyes glint in admoration "I had a friend that was under your command. She's gone now" her voice drops as she says the last sentence but picks back up again "Thats in the past though." She turns and looks down the hallway to the south "I think the dormitories are that way"

Viktor lets his hand drop again, and nods slightly, "It is not a easy job, and we face many threats, but i keep losses at a minimum." He nods again, "Now, if you would excuse me, i will go to rest. If you see your leader, or anyone else of use, send him over to me." With that, he starts to walk away, silent but for the sound of his boots, and a soft wirr coming from his armor.

Suraya watchs him leave, here ears twitching at the mechanical noises "What an odd fellow" she mouths under her breath.

Suraya takes her long hair in both hands, untieng the bandana carefully before letting the cascade fall over her chest, blanketing her abdomen in the flowing locks. She pushes back against the eastern wall again and slides down it to a sitting position. She ties the rag around her eyes before leaning heavily against the back wall. She lets her breath out slowly, as she places her hands firmly on her crossed legs and sits quietly.