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Andyc's Pointers
Pistol Play

Rylen holds down the send button on his radio, glancing out over the wastes mournfully, "This is Doctor Grey, you around anywhere Private Davis?"

A burst of static is heard from the radio, before Solidus responds, "Yeah, Captain, I'm around."

Rylen smirks and pushes send again, speaking "Good...I was wondering if you could take a look at my gun, I did...um...something to it.."

The radio is quiet a moment, "Uh....something, sir? sounds interesting. I'll take a look at it, where are you at?"

"I'm outside the garage by the entry to the center, I'll be here waiting for you," Rylen says into the radio.

"Ok, on my way sir. Davis out."

Rylen stands outside the garage, closing the door with a sharp thrust of hishand and locking his bike inside the work shop he'd set up. Wiping the greaseoff is fingers, Rylen picks up a bag of parts, a barrel seen sticking out ofthe plastic bag, what's left over of the gun he 'accidently' dismantled.

Solidus walks back in from his routine desert patrol, feeling a bit beat but otherwise fine. He looks dusty from the trekking and feels his throat is dry for a bit, but continues on to the center. Finally, he spots Captain Grey outside the garage, just as he had said, and approaches him, then offers his salute and looks at the "accident scene."

Rylen turns and takes a look at Solidus, smirking and offering a tap of hisbrow, "So good of you to come by..." he chuckles dryly and extends the bag ofparts to him with a low clink of metal against metal, "I think I broke it.." hecoughs once, throwing his ponytail over his shoulder and grinning.

Solidus smirks back at Rylen, the looks at the broken pistol parts, recognizing most of it as a late-model H&K USP .40. Looking it over, he realizes that Captain Grey did a number on this pistol. Looking back at Rylen again, he asks "Heh, this looks like it's seen better days. What were you trying to do in the first place?"Rylen nods, scratching Rylen nods, scratching the back of his head and chuckling again, "Funny story.... heh." he takes the butt of the pistol, which has a huge blunt strikemark on the end, like it was used to hit something hard. "There was this fly onthe wall in the garage that kept annoying me...I kinda got pissed and slammedthe little bastard with the butt of that gun, thought it was a socket wrench atfirst...it kinda just fell apart after that."

Solidus grimaces at the sight of that dent, realizing that could seriously fuck up a pistol of that type too much. Taking the bag of parts from Rylen slowly, Solidus begins to sort out all the individual parts: Slide, handle, barrel, spring, and various other parts. "This might be a little while. You banged it up quite a bit. Is this pistol dear to you?"

Rylen coughs again, and shrugs his shoulders, "Not of any real sentimentalvalue, no, and no problem if it takes a while...just don't feel like going outand buying a new one, you know?" The captain opens his pant pocket, reaching inand withdrawing a pack of cigarettes, taking one to his mouth and extending thepack to solidus.

Looking back toward Rylen, Solidus smiles and accepts a cigarette, putting itbetween his lips as he pushes the pack back toward Rylen, "Ok. The way I seeit, this pistol is going to need a bit of a workover. You smacked it so hardthat the clip entrance is fucked. You can force a clip in hard, but youwouldn't be able to eject it so easily. As for the rest of it fallingapart...That's kiddie play."

Rylen nods, and lights the end of the cigarette in his mouth, then extends thelighter to Solidus to take, "Good..." he exhales the smoke through hisnostrils, "I was afraid I completely destroyed the thing." The pack is returnedto his pocket as Rylen leans against a nearby wall, covering a yawn with the cigaette holding hand.

Solidus smirks and leans his head forward to light his cigarette, then takes a puff of that sweet cancer stick and thinks for a moment. "Ok, do you want to watch the surgery?" adding a smirk to that line.

Rylen chuckles dryly with a shrug of his shoulders, "Dunno if I have thestomach for it, after all, you know I get so squimish when it comes to delicateproceedures." The doctor offers him a crooked grin before starting enter theranger's building, the boots that are attatched to the suit offer little dust and even less noise as he steps.

Solidus smirks at the Doctors witticism and decides to proceed, grabbing a few large tools, most notable of them being a wrench. Looking at the frame, Solidus realizes he needs to pry it open a bit. "Hey Captain, would you happen to know where a small screwdriver is? I have to use leverage to pry the frame open just a bit.

Rylen narrows his eyes a moment in thought, "Small screwdriver...smallscrewdriver...hnn.." he heads back out to the garage and opens the door up,throwing it open with little regard for the steel door, and he digs around asmall drawer near the entry way.

Solidus waits around for a moment, taking the time to inspect the rest of the frame and other parts for any visible damage that would prevent proper usage.

Rylen grabs a small flat tipped driver and holds it up to solidus, "This ok?"he asks as he takes a step back to the private, extending the red handledobject to him.

Solidus smiles and says "Yeeusss, that will do nicely." Taking the screwdriver politely, Solidus slips the end into the magazine catch and says "Got another favor to ask of you. It's going to take a bit of force to pull up on this polymeric frame. H&K didn't fuck around when they conceived this. Could you hold it hard to this table for Could you hold it hard to this table for me?"

Rylen nods and looks over the gun, his right hand, covered by the odd materialthat makes up his entire suit holds down the weapon and Rylen sets his entireweight over the top of the pistol.

Solidus nods, then applies a large amount of leverage to the screwdriver, watching the frame to make sure he doesn't overcompensate for the bent section by bending the entire frame out of joint. Finally, he notes that the magazine catch is aligned again, and just needs a quick smack with a hammer. Looking back at Rylen, he nods again "Thanks a lot, that saved me a shitload of trouble, sir." With that said, Solidus grabs a nearby hammer, judges the best place to hit and the amount of force to use, and smacks the frame completely into place once and for all.

Rylen steps back, with a nod...he knew almost nothing when it came to the innerrepair of weapons. He knew how to clean them, of course, but this was justcompletely out of his league. The doctor rubs his chin, watching Solidus withwith mild fastination. "Good thing you let me know you're good with these things...hate do have bought a new one."

Solidus smirks and says "Well, for the most part, this is easy stuff. It's just time-consuming. But I really have seen much worse." He then proceeds to reattach the parts accordingly, putting the barrel back into the frame with spring in place, pulling the slide over the top. Looking at it again, Solidus takes a bit more time to examine it before pulling the slide back and letting it hit home again, smiling widely as he hears the profound "CHIC-CHAC" sound of a complete pistol. Solidus twirls it around on his finger clumsily and almost drops it, then hands it back to its rightful owner with a grin, "She's all fixed, sir."

Rylen smirks and takes the gun with a deep nod, "Thanks a lot...heh," he takesthe slide and lets it prime again to make sure that it doesn't stick, "Great."Rylen opens his suit's accessory compartment and removes a clip and slides itinto the handle and again cocks it, letting a round into the chamber. Thesafety is clicked on, and the pistol put in the holster on the suit's side.

Solidus wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead, then drops the hammer onto the table and says "You want me to blue it up a bit, fix the scratches on that handle? Or are you fine with it the way it is?"

Rylen looks over the gun by his side, shaking his head, "Nah, they addcharacter to a weapon. Hate shiny, happy things...just doesn't fit me." Thedoctor shrugs, sitting back against the counter with the tools, taking the lastdrag from his forgotten cigarette before throwing it in an old coffee can near the end of the table.

Solidus smirks and nods his head as he takes another puff of the almost dead cigarette, then drops it on the ground and stomps it out. Letting the smoke out of his lungs, Solidus says "It's been so damn long since I had a good cigarette. Tried to quit for a while, but hey, we all live short lives, why not make it more pleasant?"

Rylen nods, "Damned right you are...I'd rather be laughing with the sinnersthan crying with the saints, that's for sure." Rylen rubs his eyes with histhumb and forefinger, before stretching his body with a few cracks and pops,"Man I'm getting old.."

Solidus cracks his neck side to side for a moment and hears a loud pop, followed by some slight pain. "Heh, I hear ya there. I always thought I'd get wrinkles on my hands when I was fifty, and here I am at twenty-four with wrinkles on my hands...what a bum deal."

Rylen smirks and chuckles, shaking his head as he leans further back againstthe counter top, "Just be glad it's only your hands....your face is uglyenough," he jokes starting to laugh harder now as he kicks a small stoe out ofhis garage to the sand and rubble outside.

Looking up once again, Solidus says "Well, with your permission, sir, I'll return to the Depot. Glad to have helped you with your pistol." With that,Solidus smiles warmly.

Rylen nods, tapping the pistol, "Thanks again, and good luck at the depot. I'mprobably see if whatever they're serving in the mess hall has stopped kickinglong enough for me to eat it," he smirks again and saunters to the door,rubbing his chin with his hand again.

Solidus offers his salute to his superior and says "Good luck actually swallowing that stuff...it might put up a fight, heh." Scratching his head for a bit, Solidus then opens the door and allows Rylen to leave first.

Rylen taps his brow, and exits the garage, "That's what I'm hoping for....hate it when they just lay there." he laughs louder now, heading inside the main

Solidus heads out the door too, thinking about the backlog of weapons he'll have to clean up and repair when he gets back to the Depot. He visibly shudders at the thought of staying up for a long time to fix some rookies expensive but unreliable gear. He shifts his mind to other thoughts as he hears the sound of metal slamming into metal, knowing the door to the garage just shut and locked itself.