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Andyc's Pointers
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Ranger Center - Prison Infirmary [south, east]
Set in the stifling, pulsing glow of the wavering overhead fluorescent lights attached to its ceiling, the Ranger Center Infirmary has been adapted somewhat since its original introduction into the prison, as can be seen from the tell-tale signs. Flickering, static-filled monitors are strewn throughout the area, and the slumped over, monumental figure of the makeshift cloning vats loom in the background. Chalky, cracked tiles form the walls of the expanded area, and, in the center of it all rests a cold, steel operating table; the shimmering and shaking lights casting off of the dulled, blackened shades of crimson permanently etched on its surface. Over it all, the high-pitched whine of running machinery is audible, along with the occasional consuming groan of pain from within the rows of occupied cots strewn away from the main table. The cots, apparently, are filled with the Ranger operatives or allies that have been dragged in from the hostile wastes. Seemingly completing the picture are the forms of two men, obviously in charge and supervising all that is currently being done. Not only the patients, but the technical apparatus as well.
Doc Krueger the Chief Surgeon.
Robert Aage the Pharmacist

Rylen steps into the lab, his sunglasses removed and placed inside his coat ashe approaches the examination table. Taking out a bottle of pills, a bottle ofaspirin, and a silver flask, Rylen places them on the table and seems toconsider something a moment, rubbing his chin with his fingers, before openinghis sheath and grabbing his trench knife.

A few seconds later, Bryan trots into the lab, the alert look across his faceshowing that, perhaps, he is observing. Generally, he looks rather damp, as ifhe had been in the rain sometime within the past few days, and his small goateehas been abandoned, perhaps unwillingly, by a full beard covering his chin. Heremains silent, simply watching Rylen work, staying back several paces, tryinremains silent, simply watching Rylen work, staying back several paces, tryingnot to press or cramp

Rylen hearing the sound of someone entering, he casts a glance over hisshoulder, "Sir," he says turning to offer a salute, the knife moved to his lefthand to avoid stabbing himself in the process. He notices the change in thecaptain, the beard, the more or less sogginess of him but doesn't say a wordabout it.

Bryan raises his own arm in return, automatically mouthing the words, "At ease", shrugging slightly at the same time. He glances from side to side for a moment, taking in his surroundings, as if this were somewhere he'd seldom been. His arms drop, sliding into his jacket pockets, and his rough voice draws out, "Just looking around.."

Rylen nods and goes back to what he was doing, "Ok, sir." is the only responsehe gives as he opens his coat and pulls out a bandana. Placing the bandana onthe table, he begins to place a few pills on the surface of the cloth then,using the blade of the knife, begins to chop them up finely, his left browraising in concentration as he works, trying to get every little piece choppedto a powder.

Bryan takes several steps off to the side, walking around Rylen, stepping up to the table, well out of the way. As he moves, his head tracks in the opposite direction, his eyes never leaving the other man's work. Dragging one hand free from its pocket, he scatches idly at his chin, dragging brief channels through the dark hair of his beard.

Rylen picks up the bandana, folding it into a small makeshift pouch beforelaying it back on the table and using the back of the knife to pound the powdereven finer. A few good hits, and he pours the stim pill powder into the flaskbefore taking up the bottle of aspirin and begining the same process again,chopping the small pills with the front blade of the knife.

Bryan's head perks up with slight interest as the powder is dumped into theflask. His head bobs in a slight nod, beginning to grasp Rylens intentions. Hishand continues to scratch along his face, moving up along one cheek, up pasthis ear and along his hairline

Rylen smirks as he sees Bryan has got the idea of what he's doing...not thatcomplicated really, just a faster way to get the medicine into the body, ratherthan using the more dangerous stims intravenous, or intramuscularly. Pouringthe aspirin powder into the flask, he nods and closes both pill bottles,returning them to his coat and closes the flask.

Bryan nods, lowering his hand and replacing it back in his pocket. He cracks a slight smile, "I tried somethin' like that.. 'Cept mine was alcohol mixed with plants with questionable curative properties. Turned out to be certifiably poisonous, too.. leave it to me." His grin melds into a crooked smirk.

Rylen laughs a bit, "Well, sir, I try to make this one not so lethal, more ofa....curative drink, rather than fatal." he begins to shake it up, to make it asolution, rather than the suspension it was currently. "And if it was toopoisonous for you, I'm sure it would have killed many others." he smirks andopens the flask, peering in.

Bryan shrugs, "Wasn't a complete loss though.. As it turned out, if you splashed it in someone's eyes, they'd go blind for 'bout a day." He raises his hands, shrugging in a guesture of helpless innocence, "Rather helpful in a pinch, I should say."

Rylen laughs, "Sometimes the cheap shots are all you can afford, sir." he says,placing the cap back onto the flask and putting it into his coat. Taking thebandana, he flaps it in the air to rid it of the dust from the pills, beforeshoving that into his right pocket, which is already full of various things,mostly medical supplies. "If this works as good as I have hoped, I can make afew alterations on it, hopefully make it more potent"

Bryan nods, "My lack of medical 'bility nonwithstanding, it's a fine idea. I can see it being of great use." He steps back a few times, his eyes blinking rapidly, as if he were remembering some sort of experience. He shakes his head several times, seeming to have shaken off whatever it was.

Rylen eyes Bryan oddly, wondering what he just remembered, but knows it's nothis place to ask, "Well...we could issue this solution in place of stims, or inaddition to them since it probably won't be able to handle a severe injury aswell as a stim, but it should work better than the pills...and much faster too,as well as relieve the pain better. That seems to be everyone's number onecomplaint too, the pain"

Bryan nods, his face returning to normal, "Sorry 'bout that.. reliving bad experiences." He looks from side to side again, as if checking what he'd missed during his spell. Assured that all was the same, his gaze returns to Rylen, his eyes squinted slightly, "As I'm sure you're int'rested, or concerned, lets just say there's a reason I know how long the blindness lasted." He smirks again, beginning to turn around, "Keep up the good work Lieutenent. Have a nice day." He nods briefly, beginning to exit the room.

Rylen smiles and nods to Bryan as he comments on the blindness issue. He hadguessed as much, and knew it probably wasn't the world's best exprience either."Well sir, so long as it's over, right?" he calls as Bryan leaves, then he goesto the infirmary to test out the new solution...he doesn't have high hopes, but knows it should be effective.