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Andyc's Pointers
Plautus v The Spetsnaz

This here is a log that we entitled "Plautus v The Spetsnaz". It's a bitter and stark reminder of what you should do, what you shouldn't do, and stuff like that. There are two rules to be learned here, from this RP: one, being an asshole gets you killed. Two, acting like you're a know it all pain in the neck retard gets you killed. This isnt the way how to act as a Ranger. I hope you buggers learn from this painful experience.

Outside a dreary night-club. [ground zero, west, south, north, east]
You stumble upon an old brick building with loud 80's punk-rock music blasting out of it. There's lots of grafitti all over the walls. This building would have been taller, if it weren't for the top floor being gone. A few piles of rubble are next to it, and a burnt-out shell of a Mack truck is on its side,forever parked, near the door. A neon sign flickers above the doorway. The all-too-familiar sound of an Uzi being fired in burst-mode, and what looks to be a dead body laying in front of the door makes you think twice about entering this gang hangout.
The cold night zaps the heat right out of you.

A small mound of dirt and a black cross rest several yards away from the nightclub.


A black-clad man stands around idly, near the doors of the Ground Zero bar, as thumping punk music charges through the doorway. His arms are crossed, resting lightly on his chest, and he looks down slightly, as if letting the time slip by.

Jon strides out of the doors of Ground Zero, brushing his hand through his long hair. His short figure is followed by the flowing of his black trenchcoat. Placing one hand on the grip of one of his Tokarevs tucked neatly into his belt, he stops, and glances around the wastes, surveying the area with an uninterested frown.

Plautus appears on the eastern horizon, at first just a tiny dot, slowly growing. As he gets closer, waves of heat distort his appearance, making him look like a fun-house mirror. When he is finally within spitting distance, you can see his the sweat rolling off his pudgy face and steaming his thick glasses. He wearily trods into the Ground Zero.

The black-clad figure standing by the doors looks up at the man that just left the bar. He smiles slightly, recognising the figure, and the young warrior says, softly, "Jon... It's been a while.." His arms slip down from their position against his chest, and hang carefully by his sides. The royal blue eyes sweep across the horizon for a moment, before glancing at the bar doors. Finally, the man's gaze comes to rest upon the figure he originally raised his head for, once again.

Plautus comes out of the ground zero, holding a dirty rag. He takes off his glasses and tries to mop some of the sweat from his round head.

Jon spins round on his heels gently and calmly, trenchcoat flowing out around him in a circle. As he sees Andyc, he smiles slightly, and says in his gentle English dialect, "A while indeed, my freind."

Plautus plops down on the ground and takes off his backpack. He opens the pack and fishes around inside it for a moment, then produces a strip of meat jerky. He bites off a chunk of the jerky and chews slowly as the flush of exertion slowly leaves his pasty face.

The black-clad warrior nods at Jon. He takes a quick glance at the latest person to come from the bar, before restoring his view to Jon, and asking, "So.. What have you been up to since I last saw you?"

Jon glances with his deep dark, almost black eyes at Plautus from amidst his long tangled hair. He says quietly, maybe to Andyc, maybe just to himself, "Look what the bar chucked out this time." smilling a little.

Jon quickly gazes back at Andyc, his peicing gaze fixed now upon him, saying softly, "I can't even remember the last time I saw you... but I've been keeping myself busy." He says quietly to himself, "Unfotunately not keeping myself busy with Lena." Smiling back at Andyc, he says, "But I am, as ever, unimportant, how about you?"

Andyc smirks slightly, the difference from a smile almost unnoticeble. "I haven't been up to much. Throwing in the towel with politics made things.. Almost boring." He grins, "But I did manage to have some fun with some raiders, not too long ago."

"Oh.. he has been working for me.." Comes a sudden gruff voice from just inside the bar.

Jon glances in the direction of the bar exit, smiling a little, saying with a dry sarcastic tone, "Oh, and of what authority are you, Viktor?"

Plautus stops chewing his jerky and puts on his glasses. He looks up at Jon from his sitting position and says, "I'm not from that bar, I'm a Ranger, so mind your manners."

Viktor emerges from the entrance. He leans against the wooden doorpost, and shrugs, no emotion on his tanned, unshaved face. Eyes hidden, as always, by the black lensed 'insane professor' goggles. A short unlit cigar sticks from the side of his mouth. He crosses his arms over his black uniformed chest, resting his gloved hands on his arms. He doesn't answer Jon's question, just glances down at Plautus, arching a brow at the ranger's comment.

Jon smirks, and reaches into his pocket and draws out a peice of indefinable meat, which he places delicately in his mouth and chews on, nodding at Plautus, "Oh, I will, good man."

Plautus puts the rest of his jerky in his pack and closes it, then puts the pack back on his back. He spits out the chewed lump meat on the ground with a plop.

Viktor manages to crack a slight smile, and says in his gruff tone, "Since when did the Rangers deserve any manners or respect?"

Plautus gapes at Viktor, open mouthed for a moment, then quickly regains his composure and stands. He straightens up his fatigues and asks, "Since when?" He chuckles softly and announces, "We Rangers are the only thing keeping the rest of you lot from eating yourselves. Just remember that."

Jon, looking clearly disinterested with Plautus walks up to the wall of the bar and leans up against it, folding his arms across his chest and looking up at the sky aimlessly. He places one leg in front of the other and lets out a small smile, as if thinking.

Viktor's smile fades, and he takes on his cold expression again. Glancing Plautus over from behind his goggles, he responds, "Yep.. fine fat assed soldiers like you are the only thing keeping us from running around like cave men, i bet." His voice betrays nothing of his amusement.

Jon says in a mild tone, without ceasing to look at the sky, "The rangers do nothing but argue and struggle with themselves." Looking back at Plautus with a harsh gaze, he says, "We still eat each other even when you are around" He throws the peice of meat his was chewing on to the ground.

Plautus flushes red and spits out, "You damned right, you communist son-of-a-bitch. And you wouldn't be CAVE men, you'd aspire one day to BE cave men, you'd still be living under rocks!" Spittle flies from his mouth as he shouts and the rise of his blood pressure is almost audible. "And do NOT call me fat, mother fucker!"

Viktor smiles lightly, and pushes himself away from the doorpost. Standing upright now, he stares down at plautus, "Ah, but i just did call you fat, my friend."

Plautus turns beet red. He glances quite obviously down at his ankle, where he has a large knife strapped in a sheath, then quickly looks away, over his left shoulder. He mutters, "Think whatever you like, savage."

Viktor responds calmly, "Ah, so i'm savage, i see.." He keeps looking down at Plautus.

Jon pushes himself off the wall, and strides up to Plautus, glaring with his dark eyes into Plautus'.

Viktor shakes his head at Jon, telling him beforehand to not pull anything yet.

Plautus holds up his hands, "Hey, back off big man," he glances at Jon, "and tell your girlfriend to chill the fuck out."

Viktor says in a nuetral tone to Jon, "Yes honey, no need to worry, we can handle this as men." He looks at Plautus, "Right?" He slight smile lingers on his face.

Jon smiles at Plautus, and walks a little closer to him, glaring with a chilling stare into his eyes from a foot away, "Have you ever really felt pain?" He says, still smiling.

The black-clad man, having remained silent and still for most of this conversation, suddenly stirs. He clenches his fists briefly, unclenching them immediately, before saying, "Is it just me. Or does it seem that the Rangers are hardly something to aspire to."

Plautus spreads his arms a bit and fans his fingers apart, "We can handle it however you like." He takes a step toward Viktor and pokes Viktor in the chest with his index finger and says, "But I don't take shit off wasteland scum like you. End of story."

Jon says over his shoulder to Andyc, "You're just jelious. If you went through ranger training, you too could have a body like his"

Plautus slips his other hand into his pocket.

Andyc grins, and moments later bursts into laughter. "Yes.. yes.. true. I too could have a body like his, instead of the useless body I have now.." He grins widely again, and nods at Jon.

Viktor responds, letting Plautus poke him for now, "Well, Ranger. I wasn't planning on giving you anything, except maybe a broken finger."

Jon smirks a little, glancing back at Plautus, yawning a little with a bored look on his face.

Plautus looks around, assessing the motley crew assembled around him, and spits on the ground.

Plautus says, "I have better things to do than play grabass with a bunch of irradiated sandrats."

Plautus stuffs both hands in his pockets.

Viktor nods, "Whatever you say, oh fat one." He tilts his head a bit to the side, "Ever feel the bite of a sandrat?"

The black-clad warrior shakes his head, "Now, now, that's going a bit too far... You gentlemen don't think one will hurt their cause too much, do you?" He closes his hands almost into fists, but remains otherwise still, watching Plautus casually.

Plautus grits his teeth and glares at Viktor.

Jon slides his hands into his trenchcoat, looking away into the distance thoughfully. Saying nothing, he lets Plautus work himself up.

Viktor uncrosses his arms, and starts to poke Plautus in the tummy a bit, "Well well.. arn't you nice and soft.. i bet the other Rangers enjoy your pale ass every night.. Oh yes.. i'm almost certain they do.."

Andyc peers slightly at Plautus, "You know. Guessing from some of their... people... They probably do. Heh. They're an excellent organisation aren't they? Saving the world and all. I hear the Rangers are absolutely amazing. Friendly, helpful, kind, defending the weak, etc, etc." The black-clad man smirks slightly, and turns to face the Ranger properly.

Plautus steps back a bit and pulls his hands from his pockets. One hand seems to be fiddling with something and the other hand he puts in Viktor's face, pointing with his index finger, just an inch away. Plautus shouts, "You watch your mouth, mother fucker. I don't give a good god damn how tall you are, I'll cut your fucking nuts off if you don't shut your filthy sewer."

Jon says, still not moving his head, "Why yes. I hear that the other day, a group of them were -very- friendly with a small herd of Brahmin the other day. "

Viktor turns his head up straight, and smiles happily at Plautus. He suddenly takes a step back, seemingly away from the finger, but then his right leg swoops up.. accompanied with the swooping sound.. Heavy steel-toed combat boots going for plautus' balls..

Jon stands motionless at the swooping sound, still looking the other way.

Andyc idly watches the kick, as if carefully judging it for technique. He remains totally still while doing so, and doesn't say a word, waiting for the events to carry on.

Plautus shifts quickly and takes the kick in his thigh, he cries out and stumbles backwards. In an instant, an open knife is in his fist, the *snick* of the blade barely audible.

Jon's trenchcoat flies out behind him as quick as lightning his hands slide down to his belt, crossdraw out two Tokarevs and aims the nearest one at Plautus, smiling slightly, "Watch yourself, my dietarily impared freind." He stands, coat and hair flowing sideways in the wind as his gun points in the general direction of Plautus

Viktor simply keeps smilling, and plants his foot down on the ground again. Crossing his arms, he shrugs, "Sorry.. reflex, get it whenever someone mentions balls.."

Plautus takes a few quick steps backwards, creating plenty of space between himself and everyone else, then gazes at the door to the bar, then over his shoulder at the wastes.

Jon stands motionless, one gun still in his hand hangning limply at his side, and the other aiming at Plautus head, as he glances with his peripheral vision.

Plautus closes the knife and slips it back into his pocket.

Viktor says without looking at Jon, "Have fun with him, dear. But i have other business to attend to.." He smiles warmly at Plautus, and salutes idly. Turning to Andyc, he nods, "Hello, General." Turning further around, he walks calmly back into the bar.

Andyc nods briefly at Viktor, and then resumes watching Jon and Plautus, with great interest. He takes several steps forwards, before lining up with Jon.

Jon still doesn't move, awaiting Plautus' next move with unerring patience.

Plautus massages the inside of his thigh and says to Jon, "Well, sweetheart, looks like your pimp has gone, better put that gun away and start looking for tricks if you're going to make his money today."

Jon sighs, shaking his head, and lowering his gun to his side, "I was hoping for more from someone as large and... jolly as yourself."

"You know. I really think the Rangers have gone downhill since their last leader. Shame about the politics of the whole thing, with him being forced out by the current imcumbent and all, but it's not like even he could train dolts like these." The black-clad man says, idly to Jon, but loud enough for all to hear. He shrugs, watching the Ranger, carefully.

Jon turns round to face Andyc, nodding, "Indeed. I wonder if Vik is maybe foolish to enter millitary pacts with people of such little trust and competancy."

Plautus eyes the black-clad man and asks, "What do you know of the Rangers?" He turns to Jon, "Power changes hands. And, as we all know, alliances are gained and lost. Naturally there will be some resentment of their betters by the ones who wind up on the BOTTOM." Plautus snickers and grins widely.

"I don't think so. Besides, with an enemy like the marines, you'll need some cannon fodder. Fox has some... interesting plans on stopping them, too. But I doubt a long term alliance will prove wise." The black-clad man states. He laughs at the Rangers statement, "What do I know? Why do you think our goggled friend refered to me as 'General', huh?" The black-clad figure shrugs, "You're just a grunt, you wouldn't understand if someone explained it to you."

Jon turns around to face Plautus with a completley blank look on his face, saying, "Indeed. We wouldn't want to end up at the bottom..." He raises one of his Tokarevs, still with a totally blank look on his face, and fires several shots intentaionally just wide of Plautus' legs, "Now would we?"

Plautus dives to the ground and gets a face full of sand.

Jon lowers his guns and walks calmly up to Plautus, his dark figure shaddowing over him as he stands several feet away, glaring at him, saying, "Look who's the lowest now, my jolly freind."

Andyc grins slightly, and calls out "Eager to hit the deck, don't you think?" He takes a few steps forwards, halving the distance between himself and Jon.

Plautus stands up quickly and brushes himself off, spitting sand. He faces the black-clad man again and says, "You're no general to me. To me you're nothing but another piece of wasteland trash."

Jon smiles slightly, seamlessly raising the Tokarev of his other hand and firing a shot with a huge "CRACK" at Plautus' shoulder.

Jon leaves his hand raised, saying quietly, but firmly, "That... was for calling my freind wasteland trash"

Plautus spins around and tumbles to the ground when the bullet hits his shoulder. He cries out and grabs at his shoulder while writhing around on the ground in agony.

Stepping up to a few feet in front of Plautus, Andyc states, matter-of-factly, "General... Andyc. Finest fighter to grace that shithouse of an operation, The Pit. Former _commanding_ officer in the United States Army Corps of Engineers." He pauses momentarily, "I should beat you into the ground."

Jon walks up to Plautus, towering over him, saying, "If I were you, I'd start grovelling, fat-boy"

Plautus screams at Jon's ankles, "Fuck you, mother fucker, you broke my shoulder!" He spits weakly.

The trenchcoated figure crouches down besides Plautus and says quietly and slyly, "Come on, I said..." He raises his other Tokarev and blasts another shot, this time at Plautus left calf, "Grovel"

Andyc stands beside Jon, idly, watching plautus.

Plautus shrieks and frantically struggles to get has backpack open behind his back. He manages to open it just enough to thrust his hand inside and pull out a small radio. He keys the radio and shouts into it, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME THEY'RE KILLING ME IN FRONT OF THE GROUND ZERO MAYDAY MAYDAY"

Plautus nurses his broken shoulder from the other gunshot.

Jon stands up and glances down at Plautus, shaking his head. He stands over the prostrate man and turns his back on him, saying quietly, "Say what you like, fat-boy. And make it good. Your freinds wont be here in time if you say the wrong things"

The black-clad man beside Jon smirks slightly, and nods in agreement, "Oh, he means it."

Plautus screams at the two men standing over him, "Go to hell you sick bastards!"

Plautus rolls around bleeding and wailing.

Jon glances over to Andyc, saying in a neutral voice, "He's yours to play with for a few minutes, I need to eat." He pulls out a small scrap of undetermined meat and starts to chew on it.

The radio bursts alive and you hear a voice say out: Copy that ranger, we have some patrols in the area, hold on, ETA, around 10 minutes

Plautus struggles to crawl away from the two men standing over him. One leg drags limply behind him and one arm dangles from the socket like the arm of a rag doll.

Andyc suddenly jumps into action, reaching Plautus easily, he swings a simple, short, sharp kick with his right leg, aimed at Plautus' solar plexus.

The radio burst to life once again another voice comes out: "This is major Gomez, im near the area, ill be there in a few..."

A figure appears from the south, it walks towards the men and the wounded ranger, other than that you don't make much out of him...

Another figure appears on the horizon, walking slowly as if he is very tired

Plautus is sent rolling by the kicks, the radio flies from his hand and lands with a soft thud.

Jon throws he remaining meat to the ground and turns to face Andyc and Plautus, watching them idly, dual Tokarevs sitting, now ominously in the front of his belt.

The first figure from the south starts to walk more hurriedly now , he seems to be around 150 meters from where the men are , but you can't make out much of him yet...

Plautus crawls, with just one working arm and one working leg, slowly toward the radio, gasping and panting.

Andyc turns back to Jon, "You think I should use my blade, or should I keep things fair and hand-to-hand?" he calls out, asking the other black-clad man. He turns back to Plautus, and peers at him intently.

Jacktycoma stagers limply toward the bar. his face is covered in sweat,and is beat red.his eyes squint, almost to the point of being closed. he is breathing heavily.

Almost by reflex, Andyc swifty draws a shining Beretta 92FS Inox in his right hand, aims at the radio, and squeezes the trigger, firing a shot at the communications equipment.

The figure now stands at 50 meters from the group now assemble, now you see he carries an assault rifle and holstered gun, and that he is wearing normal ranger fatigues..., and a gas mask....

Jack staggers and colapses near the door.

Jon shrugs, and with impressive lightning speed once more, he draws out one of his Tokarevs from his belt, and aims quickly, blasting several round into Plautus' radio, which crackles out of life.

Plautus manages to get close enough to the radio to grab it, and shrieks as it shatters just inches from his fingers.

Plautus sobs loudly and snot pours out of his nose.

Jon spins the pistol around his trigger finger, and replaces it into his belt once more, as he slowly, ominously walks towards Plautus.

Andyc idly reholsters the pistol, and steps up to Plautus, towering over him even at his short height. He looks down on the sobbing Ranger, and smirks, "So. Who's the lesser, now, huh?"

The figure continues to walk and shouts out to all "Pretty tough picking on one eh..., how about we make two versus two...!?" as he unslings his rifle out of his shoulder...

Plautus reaches for the large knife strapped to his ankle and pulls it from its sheath.

Jon pulls out his left hand Tokarev with his left and swings it towards Plautus, triggering off several shots at his knife and hand.

A ganger appears at the door and drags jack's colapsed form inside

Plautus howls and the knife spins off and lands a few yards away.

Jon reaches into his belt and draws the other Tokarev, and rolls gracefully away as he hear the rifle being unslung, comming back up into a crouch position, with one Tokarev aimed at Plautus, one at Ertai, smiling slightly.

Seeing the both still attack the lone ranger, he shoots a burst to the air and yells out "care to give me atention now?!"

The black-clad figure of Andyc turns, and takes a step towards the approaching Ranger, He raises his hands, to show their emptiness, "How is it fair when you have a rifle, and I'm unarmed?"

Jon is in his crouched position, one Tokarev pointed at Plautus, one at Ertai. He remains motionless and calm.

The figure walks a few more meters to the men, seeing the seconds reaction, grips the handle of his assault rifle tighter, but continues to walk, replying to the question he says "you might be, but he isnt..." point with his head at the man with the dual tokarevs...

Andyc turns his head casually to Jon, and calls over "Which one do you want?" He lowers his hands by his side, and glances at Plautus.

Jon stands up and lowers his guns, smiling. In a freindly, calm tone he says, "Ertai, long time no see."

Plautus struggles to bend his body so he can reach the second knife, strapped to his butchered leg. The knife hangs loosely from a bloody strap, the bullet having passed through the strap.

Jon looks over to Plautus, but doesn't raise his gun to try and stop the man this time. He only smiles at the stuggling figure.

Andyc strolls over to Plautus idly. He looks down at the figure, and instructs, "Get up."

Plautus reaches the knife and pulls it from its dangling sheath and whips it around with as much speed and strength as he can muster, aiming downward at Andyc's right foot.

Once again, Jon reacts with seemingly effortless haste, surely the result of many many years of practice... he rolls sideways to get a clear view of Pluatus, and this time, sends only one bullet screaming towards the foolish fat figure

Ertai stiffens slightly seeing the know his name..., he replies with a slurr "that'ss my name donth waste it..", he continues to talk "lissten, im here to take the ranger..."

In one, lithe movement, Andyc's right foot shifts to the right, avoiding the knife and lifting his foot off the ground. His foot curves in a circle swinging downwards swiftly in a kick aimed at the shoulder attached to Plautus' knife-wielding arm.

Ertai once again bursting towards the sky tries to calm the people down, he continues to walk now at 10 meters from all and shouts "i think it'ss in the best interest of all to stop thiss..."

Plautus flails and loses control of the second knife, the kick sends him sprawling once again.

Jon stands up calmly comming out of the roll, and brushes himself down with his guns in hands. Walking slowly towards Ertai, he says softly, but loud enough to be heard above the small ruckuss, "Maybe you're right, ranger. Why don't we all sit down and talk about this like real..." He looks at Plautus, then back at Ertai, "girls"

Ertai scoffs and stops at 5 meters from them and says "im sure.." looking at the both he looks more intently at the man next to the fallen ranger, lowering the rifle he says "im just here to get him to a doctor..." pointing at the ranger.

Andyc scowls at Plautus meanacingly, and says, "Get up." He clenches his fists, and stands slightly to his side, with his weight on the back foot.

Ertai continues to look at the man near the ranger, he speaks up to him "you..., have i seen you before....?"

Plautus pushes himself into a shaky kneeling postion, and then stands unsteadily on one leg, with one arm dangling limply.

Andyc suddenly lunges out with a fast side-kick with his right leg, aiming at Plautus' torso.

Viktor stands in the darkness of the entrance, and rests his barrel of the Tango against the doorpost. Watching through the scope at Ertai. Crosshair trailing down the Ranger's body, before setting it on the end of Ertai's barrel. His mind already starts to figure out distance, wind resistance, etc. Glancing away from the scope only briefly, he makes sure no one notices him. Looking back to the scope, he squeezes the trigger...

Ertai seeing the action of the second man he sidesteps to the left and moves towards the ranger and says "i told yous, stop thiss!" and raising the assault rifle again.

Plautus folds in half and collapses in a heap on the ground, groaning and wheezing.

Ertai before he moves feels a tremendous force on the barrel of the gun and pushes it from his grasp and drops it, not knowing where the shot is he curses to him self and raises his hands slightly.

Jon brushes back his hair, letting out a bored sigh. He strides slowly towards the crumpled body of Plautus, before crouching down next to him, whispering loudly, "Now you've felt pain. Does it feel good?"

Andyc suddenly lashes out with another stomp-kick, aimed at Plautus' good arm, attempting to disable the Ranger completely.

Viktor quickly works the bolt on his rifle. Ejecting the smoking brass casing, and readying a fresh one. He looks away from the scope, having a better field of view that way. And watching ertai closely. He remains standing like that silently.

Jon looks up at Andyc with a bored look, and then back down to the blooded, battered body of Plautus.

Plautus jerks his arm away, receiving only a glancing blow. He curls in a fetal position and covers his head, whimpering.

Ertai thinking on a way to let talk some sense into these men he says "listen, what's your problem with him?, he owes you? , rangers will cover thats, thiss isn't the best way to go abou thiss..."

Andyc clenches his fists, and growls under his breath, low enough for no-one with average hearing to notice, "Must fight stronger opponents..." He looks over at Jon, and says, quietly "Want to make some money out of this?"

Jon glances up to Ertai, and says softly, "Yes. He owes a debt of respect. So far, he has shown none."He looks back at Plautuas with a tilted head.

Midian asks: What in the name of Tania are all of you doing outside of my house?

Jon shrugs, standing up, "I don't care for money, but you go ahead."

Ertai talking to the man closest to the ranger says, "what about you?, he owes you money, let him go and the rangers pay the debt, we deal this quietly...."

Andyc looks over at Ertai, and says, "Sure. Fine. I just want what I'm owed."

Viktor keeps standing in the entrance. Tango aimed at Ertai. Silently watching like he is a ordinary Spetsnaz sniper. And enjoying it alot..

Ertai noticing the tone of voice again he asks again, "who are you....?" , deciding the ranger's life is better than to ask questions, "nevermind that..., what's the debt...?"

Midian pulls a Juvie's eye off of one of the nails in his bat. He tosses it to the wastes, then spits on a passing scorpion.

Andyc states, flatly, "fifty .300 Winchester Magnum rounds, one month's supply of food and water, five hundred dollars, and lastly: The respect due to a former General."

Jon stares down at plautus and places his pistols in his belt, taking out a knife from a sheath on one of his combat boots. Slowly, he crouches down and start to slide the blade into Plautus' upper thigh, an inch or so in, and starts cutting up towards his groin, waiting for Ertai's response.

Plautus mutters from under his bruised arm, "...we owe him NOTHING..."

Ertai now realizing who he is he is talking to blurts out "sssir!.. i mean! Andyc what are you doing here?!"

'Mmm... been missin' a party?' purrs a low velvet voice, as a tall, largely monochrome figure slips from the GZ without a single sound of movement. Dead grey eyes hidden behind black shades, signature facepaint and duster absent, upper torso uncharacteristically covered by a tight neoprene top, legs wrapped in familiar snakeskin and armor-played boots, double-wrapped gunbelts sporting a pair of massive handcannons, and white dreadlocks cut into a shaggy mohawk... it's Trujillo, but scarcely recognizable.

Andyc stares at Ertai, and asks, "What do you think I'm doing? Lending him more stuff?" The black-clad man stares at Plautus briefly, before sweeping his eyes around the area nearby. He shrugs, casually, and looks to Ertai expectantly.

Viktor frowns slightly at the tall ganger that slipped silently passed him. But reconising him easily, dismisses it, and locks his eyes back to Ertai.

Midian nods to Trujillo "What the FUCK happened to you?"

Ertai shakes the questions out of his head and says "okay, well give you that, ill arrange it.., but you have to stop harrasing him", he cuts of from that he appeals to common says by saying "Andyc, if you needed this you could'ev just asked Lieutenant Sarah for it.."

The black-clad man shakes his head, "I dealt with an individual. If a group is willing to back him up, then so be it. However. I will make you a deal... If you bring me your best hand-to-hand fighting NCO, and the fifty .300 Win Mag rounds, I will forget all about the rest of the things owed to me."

Andyc adds, "He owes the Spetsnaz respect, as well. But that's not my affair."

Ertai thinking on the strange proposal he presents he looks at both men and the towards the ranger in the dirt..., he says "veryvell, ill do some finding out and bring the rounds and your man as soon as i can..., but you will have to give him to me" pointing again at the Ranger.

'Just can't stop bein' born 'gain...' the mohawked ganger drawls, in response to Midian's question, his attention presumably never wavering from the scene before him, 'though it's hard to tell for certain with his eyes hidden away. As Andy speaks, a certain predatory smirk just creases the corners of his mouth, and he leans back against the stolid presence of the Ground Zero, one hand palming the top of his somehow disturbing cane, more in mock than in actual support.

Midian cracks his neck "Look- Andyc, I know you- you know I respect you... but why the HELL are you fucking with your business here?"

Andyc motions to the fallen Ranger, "Take him." He turns around, and faces the Badlanders. He simply states, in response to Midian's question, "I found him out here. And came to get what I was owed. Simple enough."

Ertai walks towards the ranger and asks to him "can you stand up?"

Plautus mutters, "...I think so..."

Viktor calmly steps out of the bar entrance, into clear view. Tango held aimed at the floor. His eyes wander around the scene, hidden behind the always present goggles. Drawing his head to the side, he looks at the skull demon known as Trujillo, and gives him a slight nod, "You damn sneak.." He cracks a light smile.

Plautus slowly creaks into a standing position and takes a few limping steps. Plautus says, "I think I can walk."

Ertai grab him by the waist and whispers to him... Ertai whispers something to Plautus.

Midian nods his respects to Trujillo "It's been a while..."

Plautus nods to Ertai.

Ertai in a normal tone of voice he tell Andyc "sir..., Er.. Andyc, do you want to set here as the meeting point or the outpost...?"

Midian turns suddenly "Ain't no fucking rangers gonna set up shop in OUR front yard..."

'Never seen any reason ta 'nnounce my presence,' drawls the normally skull-faced man, his own smirk maintained through the words. 'When I'm 'round, people tend ta know soon 'nough, mm?' He then sketches a brief nod to Midian in return, acknowledging the fellow ganger. 'S'pose so... 'though, time's a rel'tive thing, anymore...'

Andyc slowly plods over towards Trujillo, offering a brief nod as greeting. The man seems otherwise relaxed, hands loosely hanging by his sides. He turns around, and says to Ertai, "No... We'll meet at the truckshop south of here."

Ertai nods slightly and then starts to head south, with one free hand he grabs the radio and transmits, "Major Gomez here, need some rangers for a pickup, near Ground zero, i repeat just a pickup, no other, over..."

Viktor idly reaches into the breast pocket of his uniform. Fumbling around for a moment, he draws out a short, thin cigar. Bringing it to his nose to sniff it briefly, he places it in his mouth. firmly clenched between his teeth. Slowly starting to talk to Andyc, he says, "Nice.."

Midian turns slowly back to Trujillo "How's things inside? Minion still owes me a bottle of Rotgut- he better have it ready..."

Ertai and the other ranger dissapper to the south as they continue to walk...

Plautus limps alonside Ertai.

Trujillo returns Andy's nod, as well, still casually leaning against the building, and yet, at the same time, something about the easy way he carries himself, about the smooth glide of his hand gestures, the carefully controlled movements and intentionally held-back speed, gives the sense that he not only has Andy's back, should need arise, but also that he is far more ready for trouble than he may seem. A single snowy brow arches languidly over the top of his shades, at Midian's question, and he rolls his well-muscled shoulders, one the natural chocolate brown of his skin, the other flat black ink laid into corpse grey flesh, a disinterested shrug. 'Things're things, I guess. They don't fuck with me, an' I don't randomly kill them an' their families. As ta Minion, hell, even if he don't have it... ain't like there's much can be done 'bout it.'

Andyc idly nods at Viktor, "Maybe. But I doubt they have anyone who could begin to match me." He shrugs. And glances over at the Badlanders again for a moment, before asking Viktor, "What are you people up to, then? Anything interesting?"

Midian laughs, but then stops, suddenly, and looks over Trujillo... "What's with you? you're different... Did you sober up?"

'Could say that...' Tru growls in that low, laconic voice of his, slithering around and through his syllables. 'Could say lots o'thangs...'

Plautus lies down on the ground. Plautus stands up.

Viktor shrugs lightly at Andyc, chewing on his cigar as he responds, "If i would tell you that, it wouldn't be 'Spetsnaz Secret' now would it." He smiles lightly, turning his gaze up to the two retreating Rangers, "Hmm, i can still get them for you.. if you want.. waste of ammo, sure.." He cuts of his sentance, and just shrugs again.

Midian just shakes his head at Trujillo "Devil still around, or is he off on another 'Pilgrimage'?"

The black-clad man shakes his head, "No... I want that fight. It will be interesting." He glances around again, idly, before continuing, "Time to get ready to wait for them, I suppose. Maybe I'll see you down there before the fight?" With that, the black-clad warrior steps forwards, and begins to walk to the south, towards his destination.

'Oh... he's 'round.' Something about the mohawked ganger's tone seems wickedly amused, and not in a very pleasant way. 'Right 'bout now, though, he's prolly... tendin' ta some... epicurean matters, most like.' Tru steps away from the wall, shifting his grip on the heavy cane to hold it midpoint now, the handle of it angling groundword of its own volution, and he raises his grey right hand to his chin, dead-looking fingers and odd, metallic-seeming black nails standing in stark contrast against his white goatee as he idly rubs his chin.

Viktor nods, "Yeah, sure.." He looks down at his rifle, and checks it over. Working the bolt repeatly to get 4 7.62mm's out. Holding them in his gloved hand, he slings the rifle over his shoulder, and turns to Trujillo a bit, "I'll see you later, comrade.. Might have some presents for you.. Sounds like christmas, eh?" The middle aged russian nods at Trujillo with a smile, and heads back into the bar. Heavy boots slamming on the floor inside, before getting drowned out by the everyday sounds of the gangers inside.