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Andyc's Pointers
Suraya's Recruitment

Ranger Center - Infirmary Lab [south, north]
This mid-sized room contains an impressive array of forbidden technology, imported from Darwin Base. Several large computers manage four large vat-tubes, which appear to be filled with a saline water solution. Thick black tubes run from the vats to large round shaped collection machines, which are linked via thick network cables to the computer terminals. Several large medical scanning machines can also be seen here, mounted in the northern wall. An uncomfortable looking examination table, also computerized and networked, sits in the middle of the room, lit by several large flood lamps. This room has an uneasy feeling to it.

Suraya is lying on a table, an IV dripping slowly into her arm. Small red welts cover her body but are beginning to disappear

A young woman lies here on one of the tables, an arm band on her wrist identifies her as Suraya with middle and last name in question marks. She is wearing a light cotton tee shirt and pair of jean shorts, her normal clothing a black trench coat with silk lining hangs on a chair next to the makeshift bed. Her expression is calm as an IV rythmicly drips into her arm.

A loud, violent swear is heard before a loud clashing sounds just a moment after. More swearing, this time muttered under someone's breath as they step along the path to the infirmary's lab. Throwing his coat back, Rylen steps into the lab, the cape of the duster like jacket flows behind him in the breeze of his movement...the man continues to mutter

Suraya draws her breath quickly in at the noise, her eyes opening wide as her pupils dilate in response to the light. She moans painfully as feeling floods back into her body and memories flash through her brain. The young woman looks around trying to get some understanding of where she is, blinking rapidly as her eyes continue to adjust.

Rylen glances down at the woman who regains consciousnes, his brow arching over the rim of his black shades, "So you're back among the living, hn?" he asks, putting down a black bag on a table near the woman. "You're inside the Ranger's Medical Center...someone found you wandering out in a sandstorm," the man says while opening his coat and fishes around, waiting for some kind of response from her.

Suraya raises her arm that doesn't contain the IV, using it as a shield against the light. "Wha.. Wher.." the lady stops midword and coughs painfully, her body convulsing and bringing her to a sitting position "..Ouw ah.. Where am I?", her normally bell like tone cut to a hoarse whisper now. "I don't recognize this place", she looks down at her arm that does contain the IV, and her face blanches white "And what the.. is that?"

Rylen steps over to the bed, glancing her over diagnostically. "That is a glucose drip...prevented you from dying of dehydration and exhaustion... I can get you some more pain killer if you want," he glances over his shoulder at a cabinet that rests across the way

Rylen nods, stepping over to the cabinet and opening it. Fishing through some of the supplies, he arches his brow..."I know there's some in here somewhere..." he mumbles to himself as he digs through gauze, bandages, and various other packaged supplies, "Ah, here we go." he says, pulling out a canteen from the cabinet. Stepping closer to her, he opens it up and extends it to her, "Distilled water...free of impurities and various other things that could worsen your condition."

Suraya leans on her IV-ed arm, grimacing at the movements "Ooo I think that went to sleep while I was out..", she grits her teeth and extends her other hand to take the canteen. ".. Mmmmm sure feels good to move it." She chuckles softly as she takes the water and lies back down, taking a draft of the liquid. "Thanks doc..", her voice improving dramatically as the liquid moistens her throat "... I was beginning to feel a might parched."

Rylen nods, picking up the chart at the side of her bed, "Hnn.. not surprising, seeing as how they had to remove the sand from your mouth, according to this." the doctor places the chart down and looks her over, "Any internal pain? Abominal, chest, besides soreness?" he removes the sunglasses a swell, hanging them on the pocket of his coat, just below the embroided name on the right pocket.

Suraya takes another mouthful of water before putting the top back onto the container. She leans back slowly and closes her eyes, mentally feeling throughout the rest of her body. Lieing both hands on her stomach and flexing the fingers of her IV-ed arm to wake them up. After a few moments she opens her eyes again and looks up at the ceiling a smile spreading across her face and the drop of blood on her lip being licked away absent mindedly. "Doesn't feel like anythings wrong, actually I guess I feel pretty good now that I've had some of that water", she holds the canteen out to Rylen "You can have this back now... uhh.. umm.. Hey what was your name?" she glances at her wristband identification "Seems like you got mine already"

Rylen takes the canteen and looks her over again, nodding before he places the container onto the side table by the bed. "Good....looks like you'll recover then," he says picking up the pen and chart before scribbling down a few things and pausing, glancing back at her as she asks, "Oh, Name's Rylen." he says before looking back to the pad before him, "What's your surname, if you have one, so we can complete this chart?" he leans his back against a nearby wall and cracks his neck with a slow turn of his head.

Suraya leans heavily into the pillow, tracing the lines of the ceiling tiles with her eyes " 'names Almada.. A-L-M-A-D-A." she gets bored with the ceiling and changes the subject whimfully "Well.. guess I kinda owe you guys my life or somethin like that don't I?"

Rylen nods and writes that down, then pauses to look back at her, "Hn? Well....my job is to keep people alive. Ranger, Civillian, anyone who needs help, it's my job to help..." he shrugs his shoulders to her, finishing his notes on the chart, "So, what about you...why were you wandering around in the middle of a sandstorm?"

Suraya rolls her tongue around in her mouth for a moment, "Well I'm pretty new around here.. and my guide died the other day. She was defending some outpost off in the middle of the desert while I slept in the cave I've been using as a house, someone shot her or something of the sort and when I finally found my way back to civilization a friend of hers gave me her tags.." she motions towards the coat that is hanging over a chair against the wall. "..she gave me general directions to a place called the Ranger Center sometime before her demise and told me that if I ever got lost I should look for it.. from the way you talk that must be where I am. While I was looking for the center that storm came up out of nowhere and caught me by surprise.. guess I got lost and about half-died or something."

Rylen listens to her story, rubbing his chin in thought, "I'm sorry to hear that..." sighs, shaking his head and remaining quiet for a moment longer before glancing at the coat and tags. Stepping to them, picks them up and glances them over, reading the inscription with a shake of his head, "This world is too Violent a place," he mumbles to himself as he reads the tags. A Spetz, none the less, but still a life, "Salatra," he mumbles under his breath finding that name vaguely familiar... "anyway, I'm sorry about your friend, but if you'd like to stay here, with the rangers, I can give you the standard ranger equipment...and a slight assurance of safety, as well as a place to stay if you would join us."

Suraya closes her eyes, then opens them slowly, a grin creeping across her placid features. "Ya know that sounds like a good idea, I might fair well to be part of an organization" her tone riseing and giving off a hint of joy "What positions do you have open Doctor Rylen? As you can tell I'm not extremely good with directions but can find my way out of a litter box like the front porch." The woman glances at Rylen and winks mischievously before sighing, the smile not leaving her face. "So.. in addition to all that wonderful stuff do I get this needle out of my arm?"

Rylen shrugs his shoulders, "Don't know just yet....do you have any talents besides being able to withstand grevious bodily harm?" he pauses to regard the needle a moment, "Yes...but not just yet, wait for that drip bag to finish first. I don't want you to get dehydrated again, even if you can drink this is much faster than consuming it."

Suraya laughs quietly at the comment "My daddy back home always told me that I was pretty sharp and darn good with my whip.." she looks around nervously "..I.. I.. must have left it back at the cave." she grumbles unhappily to herself for a moment before going on. "We had a ranch and raised pretty much every critter you can think of so I could farm."

Rylen pauses a moment longer, glancing over his shoulder to the chair behind him with her supplies, "A farmer...Hnn...well, they might be looking for help at the Agricultural center, I'm sure I can get you an assignment there. Anything else you're good at besides animals?"

Suraya thinks for a moment, running her tongue along her jawline mouth open slightly. "Well.. weeds and some of the hardier vegetables I can keep alive. I'm pretty resiliant to heat since I was out in it most of the day as a child. And I don't think I'm allergic to anything.. not sure though.." she winks again ".. haven't found anything thats killed me yet anyway." She laughs again, this time her voice echoing lightly around the room. "I think thats about it"

Rylen looks away from her, sitting down on a nearby chair as he rubs his chin, "Hnn...well, looks like I'll get you something in the agricultural center, they're more inclined to hire people, and keep them working there if they're, as they say 'trained correctly', so I would suggest some physical therapy, as well as some combat classes when you're feeling up to it." the doctor says, getting comfortable in a chair and placing his arms behind it. "So, welcome to the rangers, Private Suraya Almada."

Suraya nods slowly, her long hair brushing against the pillow "I'll take that advice but now I think I might want to get some sleep.. what do you think Doc?" She looks over at the man, noting his features for rememberance and smiling happily.

Rylen nods, standing up and reaching into his coat, "I think it'd be best..I'll give you something that will put you out, and when you wake up your IV will be gone, and your ranger equipment will be with your other belongins over there," he gestures to the spot with her current gear, "See any of the other officers if you need something, ask the pharmasist, or the doctor in the room to the north if you need anything, or need to get a hold of me."

Suraya nods very slowly, her gaze refixing itself on the ceiling as her mind wanders aimlessly. "And by the way.. Thanks, glad I'm not just another body on a casualty list somewhere." She relaxes her body, visibly sinking into the table as muscles slacken.

Rylen nods and withdraws a syringe from his pocket and removes the cap of it. Inserting the needle into the intake tube at the end of the IV line, he injects the full amount into the drip, "Have a good nap, Private." he tells her as he steps away, but pauses and looks to her over his shoulder, "No problem...just try to keep alive after this, hn?"

Suraya giggles softly "Will do Rylen..", she yawns widely "will do", she rolls over onto her side and drifts into sleep.

Rylen waves over his shoulder and heads out of the lab and the medical center bound for the mess hall..he was about to get a salsbury steak and negotiate himself some lunch, with extreme prejudice.