Learning Experience
*Bryan says, "Hi! Ok, here's the deal.. This is a log for the learning
experience section, though there is a bit of newbie influence in it.
The basic premise of this is that there was some misunderstanding
about IC and OOC ranks.. This was an IC way to deal with it, I guess.
well, by any means, it's some decent RP, and I'll add in a few comments
about RPing, IC and OOC, and ranking systems.
*My notes will be starred in front for easy seperation.
Ranger General Sanguinius' Office [east]
As you step inside of a darkened, although spacious office which seems to be
filled with the faded, worn out memories of the past and memoirs covered in
nostalgia, you see, in the center of the room, covered with files on various
Rangers and papers scribbled over with writing, that there sits an old oak
desk, and behind it, a large leather chair, a rarity in the wastes. In the back
of the room, seeming to oversee everything else, is a large map of what used to
be the United States, with locations of interest marked or pinned down, such as
where certain operatives and radiation zones are. Many old, yellowed books seem
to cover up all the bookcases set up here along the walls, dictating the
Rangers which came before many operatives' times, and how life was like before
the war.
Slumping in a broken fashion behind the oak office desk rests a tattered,
although somewhat elegant, Samsonite ergonomic leather chair, far past its
A pre-war, battered, oak desk swamped with crumbling papers, files, and an aged
bottle of alcohol, rests here in the center of the office.
*Another, generally unrelated note: When sending in logs, its usually good to
keep the room description in front for easy reference. And people in the room
while you're at it.
Rylen cracks his neck as he steps into the office. He wasn't happy right now,
and was literally up to his elbows in blood a few minutes ago. He's dressed
differently than usually seen-wearing a white lab coat, a surgical mask
that's pulled down to his chin to expose his mouth and nose, and a white
surgical cap. Lucky for the person who was on the table, and the person
here he just finished up the patient....they're recovering now, but he's
not in a good mood. Rylen steps into the office and glares around silently
for a moments time before sitting down in a chair.
Apocholypse walks into the with a hint of pride in her step, just as soon as
she enters the doorway she stands at attention and salutes Rylen
"Permission to enter sir?"
Rylen turns his gaze to the door, his icey blue iries glare at the woman,
"Yes..." he stands up, a few blood stains seen on the outter most part of
the coat. Odd he decided not to change, maybe he doesn't want to get his
regular clothes dirty? He returns the salute slowly and motions to the
chair, "Sit down...we're waiting on Captain Drake." The doctor leans his
back against a wall near the book case and taps his finger on the crook of
his arm..nope, not a happy camper.
A particularily ragged looking man slides through the doorway,
looking as if his last few days haven't been particularily pleasent. His right
arm is in a sling, and his right hand is thouroghly bandaged, and looks to be
short of part of its pinky. His left arm looks to be well enough, and it holds
a simple manilla folder, in its hand. He walks across the room, affording each
of it's occupants a quick glance, before stopping near Rylen, "Well then.. Lets
figure out where the problem lies here." (Bryan)
Apocholypse puts her arm down and walks towards a chair and slowly sits down.
Rylen straightens quickly, offering a salute to Bryan then blinks as he sees
his condition, "you alright sir?" The doctor asks, stepping to him to
glance him over quickly, then looks to the hand..he supposes asking about
his gun is a stupid thing, so he leaves it at this for now. The woman can
wait, though he does notice that she sat down after another officer entered
the room... glancing over his shoulder at her, "This boot camp that you
went to..didn't they teach you that you stand when an officer enters the
room?" the captain turned back to face her.
Apocholypse promptly stands and salutes "Forgive me sir, I did not mean to
disrespect you" feeling quite ashamed of her self "Permission to stand at
Bryan shrugs, the bit of a scowl across his face softening a bit, "It was for a
good cause.. I'll be fine." He shrugs again, already doing so with one
shoulder, out of newly formed habit. He turns as well, looking down upon the
sitting soldier, muttering, "Not a good start." He shakes his head slightly,
then raises the hand with the file a bit, "So where'd this 'Spec'list' garbage
come from then?"
Rylen shakes his head, "Denied...another thing, you never ask to stand at ease.
You stand there until you are given the order to stand otherwise.." sure
that was a bit anal retentive, but that's the way it works. They can't have
enlisted people trying to order the officers, and they can't have them
thinking that they were all passive. Rylen was normally a very nice guy,
but not when things like this happened... he sighed glancing to the door in
the last patient's direction, hoping that the girl was alright...poor kid.
The doctor nods to Bryan and opens his lab coat up, removing a pack of
cigarettes and offering one to Bryan as he got out his lighter.
Apocholypse remains at attention, "As you wish sir"
The door creaks open, and from behind it appears a tall, strong, forboding
figure. He glances around the room with his deep brown eyes, and rubs his
stubbled chin. Almost instantly recognisable as Sanguinius, he steps into the
room, leans up against the wall, folds his arms and smiles. In a deep voice,
that echos around the small room he says, "Greetings men, I had no idea my
office was the in vouge social center of the Rangers."
Bryan nods at Rylen, reaching up with his left hand, slightly akwardly with the
file already there and catches it between two fingers, from there transferring
it to his mouth. He lowers his hand slightly, then begins speaking, careful to
keep the unlit cigarette in its place, "Now then.. Let's get a coupl'a things
straight. One. Nominally, I'm the recruiter. Two. That just doesn't keep a body
busy nowadays. So, among other things, I look over promotion reports, and do
lots of filing." He pauses, taking a deep breath, "Which means, not only do
these reports have to go through the gen'ral, but me as well. I have lots of
free time, so I doubt I missed yours." He stops again, preparing for the
finale, "So, unless the Gen'ral walks in right no--" He stops, his cigarette
falling comically out of his mouth as he sees the general walk in, "Gen'ral" He
throws up an awkward salute, file still in hand.
Rylen straightens up again, tossing the cigarettes into his pocket after Bryan
grabs one, though the one in his mouth isn't removed. He offers the general
a salute, and doesn't explain why everyone is here yet. The general would
notice that Rylen is dressed in full medical attire, just having come from
surgery and is a bit bloody, and not exactly in the best mood though it's
not a drastic change from his normal look save he's not smiling.
Apocholypse promptly turns towards the general and salutes "Sir it is an honour
to serve under your command sir"
Still leaning against the wall, the General loosly salutes back, before
straightning his cap on his head. He looks dusty and slightly weatherbeaten,
like he hasn't spent much time inside recently. He stands up straight, and
walks up to Bryan, smiling a little, anodding, "Captain." He asks, "So what's
going down?"
Bryan lowers his arm, finally deciding to throw the file onto the table,
leaving it aside until it was needed, "Well, I'm, uh, having a bit of an..
administrative chat with this soldier here." He shrugs slightly, stooping down
to pick the cigarette back up. Straightening himself out, he continues, "This
one 'ere claims to have slid a few promotions past me. I'm 'ere to refute."
Rylen drops his salute and grabs his lighter from the webbing belt and flipping
the top back before lighting the cigarette in his mouth before snuffing the
lighter and flipping the top down, glancing to the general, he once more
removes his cigarette pack, which is down to about 5 and offers it out to
San, and the lighter to Bryan while giving the woman an unreadable glance.
Sanguinius nods at Rylen and takes one of the cigerettes from the pack. Placing
it in his mouth, he takes an old looking lighter from his pocket, and cuts
one hand around the end of his smoke, and lights up. Replacing the lighter
in his pocket, he lets out a short puff of smoke and, in the general
direction of the female Ranger in a casual voice, "Well well. I don't
recall seeing you round recently. What's your name and rank, Ranger?"
Apocholypse remaining at attention states her name and rank "Specialist Leah
Apocholypse sir"
*First relevant note.. Herein lay the problem.. This player had some misconceptions
about the ranking system. Here, it is cleared up OOCly, and later solved ICly, to
provide meaning and closure to the rest of the RP
[OOC] Rylen says: HnS rank is just a way of keeping score. IC rank is what
tells you what rank you are when you RP....anyone just recruited (unless a
DAMNED good RPer) is a private....or if they want special training (in
medical which I offer) there might be a slight promotion, but has to be
cleared with the boss.
[OOC] Papazito says: Yeppers. Like, I'm not a Combat Cadet... I'm a PFC. Combat
Cadet just tells people what HnS level I'm at.
[OOC] Apocholypse says: thats where I messed up, no one informed me of this
[OOC] Rylen says: it tells you on the website.
[OOC] Solidus says: I knew I was a private IC from the beginning.
[OOC] Bryan says: http://rangercentral.tripod.com
go there.. read all, no more mistakes.
[OOC] Apocholypse says: I with draw my recent ic.
[OOC] Apocholypse says: statement that is.
[OOC] Papazito says: No no no. Don't withdraw it. Then this whole thing is
pointless. Just play on through. heh.
[OOC] Apocholypse says: ok.
Removing the cigerette from his mouth, Sanguinius rubs the stubble of his chin
some more, narrowing his eyes a little and looking at the Ranger, smiling,
"Well then, good to meet you Leah." He glances at Bryan, "What rank did you say
she should be?"
Bryan takes the lighter, ignites his cigarette, and hands it back to Rylen,
before leaning forward to pick up the folder he had just dropped, mumbling,
"Don' need it 'til you leave it." He turns back to Sanguinius, "Well, according
to her file here, she would still be a private, gen'ral." He shrugs, "Either a
nasty misfiling, or someone has the wrong idea." He extends his arm out,
offering the file.
Apocholypse devotes her attention to the general still even with her hair
bothering her eyes, "Sir permission to speak freely?"
Rylen rubs his chin, glancing the girl over, then looking to the file.
"Misunderstandings do happen...although I have to say she needs to learn
proper behavior when dealing with officers..." he takes a drag of his
cigarette, then looks to the general, "Also, sir...she wants to learn about
being a combat medic...I have to say that there aren't many people who want
to do that. If you decide to reprimand her with punishment, I can use her
help in the infirmary sir." Rylen turns to the girl who stands near them
and then back to Sang.
Sanguinius takes a puff on his cigerette, and accepts the file, and quickly
looks through the few pages it contains. Glancing over it, cig hanging out
of his mouth, he flips it shut once more and offers it back to Bryan. He
opens a corner of his mouth as if about to speak, before Apocholypse does.
He smiles and nods casually at her.
Apocholypse says, "Sir, I'm just stating what I was told by the officer in the
Admissions office"
Bryan's brow furrows, and he exhales a cloud of dusky smoke,
"Admissions office?" He ponders for a moment, then turns to the general, "Can
they do that?" His hand rises up, to scratch at his chin, before working it's
way upwards to his scalp .
Solidus knocks on the door.
Sanguinius turns his head briefly to look at Rylen. Nodding slightly, he says
through a corner of his mouth, "Indeed, medics are very val'ble. If she
wishes to train, I can think of no-one better to teach 'er the ropes than
you." He smiles a little and continues, "I'm sure you could teach her a
thing or two about how to treat the higher ranks, no?" Looking back at the
female ranger, he pauses slightly, and removes the cigerette from his mouth
so he can speak properly once more, "Then in all likelyhood they have made
a mistake. Either that, or the Captain here has. I know which I'd put my
money on." Smiling a little, he says, "But don't fret private, I'm sure if
you work hard then it wont take you long to work up the ranks." He looks
the Ranger over breifly, "You seem to be in good enough shape, unlike some
of the people here." This comment seems to be general, and not aimed at
anyone in particular.
Rylen grins at the compliment and nods...his mood was improving. "Well sir,
then I'll take her on and teach her what she needs to know..." he turns to
look at her, "I hope you have a strong stomach, an empty schedule, and lots
of patience because this isn't going to be easy... first thing I want you
to do is make a note on the board telling people we're starting a blood
drive...we need to stockpile blood incase we have an emergency." hearing
the knock, he looks to Sang, then the door, stepping to it and opening it
up as to not have the general need to do it, "Yes?"
Solidus says, "I'm here to seek recruitment. I was told by the admissions
officer to report directly to you,"
Apocholypse nods and replies, "Sir, I have all the times you need and am
willing to take any strides necessary"
Rylen nods and looks over his shoulder to Bryan and the general, "Someone
wishes to join the rangers, sir." The doctor begins, then looks to the
recruiter and winces, "I'll take care of it sir." Rylen offers both of the
men a salute, and says to Apoch, "Then when the general is finished with
you, report to the infirmary."
Apocholypse salutes, "I'll be there as ordered sir"
Smiling at the resolution of the problem with Apocholypse, he salutes her
casually, saying, "Dismissed, private. If Captain Rylen here has good things to
say of you in the near future, I'm sure promotion will be on the cards."
looking over to the door, he says in his calm yet deep voice, "Send them in,
Bryan chuckles softly at Sanguinius' comment, almost to himself. His hand drops
back down, and his right arm tries to mimic the motion, being stopped cold by
the sling restraining it. He frowns, "Damn, I hate this thing." He shrugs with
his good shoulder, then turns suddenly to Sanguinius, "I assume you've heard
'bout the good news?"
Rylen nods and looks to Solidus "Come in...." he steps back and nods his head
to the people, "That's General Sanguinius Angel, Captain Bryan Drake,
Private Leah Apocholypse, and I'm Captain Rylen Grey... speak to the
general here, sir."
Solidus enters the room and kindly acknowledges each commanding officer, then
steps forward slowly toward the general.
Apocholypse snappily turns to leave the room trying her best not to do anything
*Ooh.. Etiquette.. Always help someone who has been disconnected, or otherwise
incapacitated regain their bearings.
Sanguinius has gone link-dead.
[OOC] Solidus says: Ooh, that's not good.
[OOC] Bryan says: Damn.. *waits for Jon to come back*
Sanguinius has reconnected.
[OOC] Sanguinius says: Ahem.
[OOC] Sanguinius says: What'd I miss?
[OOC] Solidus says: I had just stepped into your office.
[OOC] Bryan says: what'd you last see?
[OOC] Sanguinius says: Last I saw was Rylen's 'mote.
[OOC] Rylen says: Solidus came in, and Apoch is leaving.
Rylen looks to Apoc as she turns to leave, "Go there, now, and wait for
me...tell Doctor Krueger to get you a mop and bucket so you can clean up
the operating room. I'll be there in a while. Get started, you're
Apocholypse turns to face Rylen and snaps a salute in acceptance of her new
orders "Yes Sir!" than continues out the door.
The General, standing casually at about 6'2 looks the new entrant up and down
for a moment, before offering a casual salute. He looks over to Bryan, saying,
"Captain, would you care to start a new file? After all, you do have a lot of
free time on your hands." He looks at Solidus again and asks quietly, "So, you
want to join the Rangers?"
Solidus says solemnly to the General "Yes sir."
Rylen turns on his heel and leaves the room, having already saluted both men,
"I'll go take care of the Private...I'll see you both later." he walks out
of the room, and to the infirmary.
Bryan starts chuckling, before raising his pinkyless, slung right arm, "More
like hand, I think, but I'll start a new one." He grins lopsidedly, "I'm just
about out on most other things right now." He raises his left hand, "Can still
Sanguinius nods over to Bryan, before continuing, "So, a few basic questions.
Why did you decide you wanted to join our fine organisation?"
[OOC] Viktor watches!
*While this may seem like some strange, random Viktor plug, it actually an example
of something good to do. (That's right folks, Vik setting a good example) For
beginners, to experienced RPers, watching RP can be a helpful experience
Sanguinius smiles a little with one coner of his mouth, all he can do with a
freshly lit cigerette hanging from the other corner, nodding over to Bryan,
a little, saying, "And having raiders and various asorted freaks decidin'
you're not good news aint exactly an aphrodisiac either." He continues,
"Well, what do you consider your main strength's to be, what can you offer
Bryan pulls out a scuffed notepad, tossing it onto the desk. He leans over it,
sliding a green crayon from his breast pocket and beginning to scribble writing
onto it, presumably Solidus' responses.
Solidus continues to maintain eye contact as he says in a solid voice "Well,
that's what I'm here to figure out. I have no way to determine my skills,
what with being out in the desert. I can shoot a gun, and wield an axe, but
what I want to figure out is where my other true strengths lie. I think the
Rangers could very well help me with that."
Sanguinius nods a little, "Keen to learn? That's something you don't see in a
lot of Rangers these days." He looks at his wristwatch idly, before looking
back up at Bryan, "Well, I've got to go check on a batch of supplies that's
supposed to have arrived by now. How about you finnish up here with..." He
looks at the man, "Sorry, I didn't catch your name..."
Solidus nods and states "My name is Jesse J. Davis, sir. But I prefer Solidus."
Bryan nods in response, scribbling down the man's name, before turning to look
him up and down thouroghly, judging physical characteristics. He returns to his
pad, scribing his observations, before returning the crayon to his pocket.
Grabbing the pad, he turns around, he adresses Sanguinius, "Pretty much done
here anyway." Then, addressing Solidus, "Here, give turn this into the
admissions office. They'll get you started and return this to me for some more
official work." He tears of the sheet on the pad and hand it to Solidus,
"Anthing else you'd like to add?"
Sanguinius salutes Bryan, and then the civialian, probably more out of
politeness than anything, "Captain, Solidus... I'll see you around." With
that, he calmly steps out of the door, ducking a little as he does so. You
hear his boots clipping against the floor as he leaves, before all sounds
of his departure finnish echoing, and only the sounds from within the room
remain once more.
Solidus says to Bryan "I'd like to add that I'm also very good with two
blades." and gives a little wink.
Bryan shrugs and and hands the paper to Solidus, "Here, take this down.. I have
a few things to attend to myself, actually." He tilts his head, "Good to 'ave
another with us.. Sorry I can't be more intensive.. Another time, perhaps." He salutes
briefly, then makes for the door, heading for the infirmiary.
Solidus looks at the piece of paper, then heads out the door himself.
*And that's about it..